Prime need. Need to feel loved, wanted, desired, we belong. Make people feel important.
The myth of positive thinking. The brain is wired to be negative and positive. Brain responds more to negative stimuli. Positive thinking. Negative thinking. Positive attitude.
Focused confidence. We all have levels of confidence. Live inside a comfort zone. Need to challenge ourselves to grow.
Passion. Love. Hate. Purpose.
Resilience. More important than: Education. Experience. Training.
The reality. Adversity can pull the strongest down. No quick fix. Can be similar to the grieving process.
Behavior changes attitude.
Eye contact.
Watch your language.
Factual language. Emotional language.
Avoid. Doom and gloom. Gossip.
Dealing with stress/mistakes. Write down the cause. Write down how it makes you feel. What have you learned from it.
Circle of Reinforcement. anchor Friends & family Job treatments Setbacks
Confident people think out Discussion group. Timing Exclude negative. Speaks fluent Italian, published a play, writing a book Anchor
Work the senses. Sight. Hearing. Smell. Taste. Touch.
Do things You enjoy.
Dress positive.
Good things do happen.