Homeopathy Slide shows Pulsatilla, Arsenicum and Asteria rubens
What is homeopathy? Homeopathy tackles the cause of ill health rather than suppressing the symptoms – it treats the person not the disease. Remedies are selected on the basis of all aspects of the patient and his or her symptoms. Each treatment – like each person – is unique. Slide shows Asteria rubens – common starfish
The principles of homeopathy How does it work? The principles of homeopathy Slide shows Allium cepa and Rhus tox
The “like with like” principle A substance that causes a symptom in a healthy person will cure that same symptom in an ill person. Example of “like with like”: Allium cepa Slide shows Allium cepa
Like with like: what do the sceptics say? Conventional medicine is geared towards suppressing the symptoms of disease. Some conventional practitioners do not agree with giving more of the responsible agent of the illness to the patient. Slide shows Rhus tox – poison ivy
The minimum dose: what do the sceptics say? In homeopathy, the substance is diluted to such a high degree that none of the original material is present in the medicine. Sceptics claim the effect must be a placebo response.
Evidence in favour of homeopathy 60 positive randomised controlled trials (RCTs) 9 positive meta-analyses of RCTs Clinical outcome studies Laboratory studies Veterinary studies
Evidence in favour of homeopathy RCTs provide evidence that homeopathy has an effect greater than placebo, especially in influenza, hay fever, fibromyalgia and sinusitis Clinical outcome studies from the homeopathic hospitals and others consistently show over 70% of patients respond positively to homeopathic treatment Laboratory (test tube) studies indicate that homeopathic preparations can have biological effects Veterinary surgeons successfully treat animals with a wide range of medical conditions
The history of homeopathy Ancient Greeks Hippocrates 2,500 years ago: “through the like, disease is produced and through the application of like, it is cured” Bust of Hippocrates - obviously
The history of homeopathy Dr Samuel Hahnemann General Physician 200 years ago Organised homeopathy into modern science Observed “like with like” phenomenon Developed concept of dilution of medicines to prevent adverse toxic effects Coined the term “succussion” Hahnemann portrait from BHA offices
What areas can homeopathy treat? Respiratory system Digestive system Skin Locomotor system Hormonal problems Mental problems
Homeopathy can also help: when conventional medicine is ineffective or non-existent when conventional medicine is unsafe when conventional medicine has side-effects that are unacceptable to complement conventional medicine to provide symptomatic relief in untreatable or terminal conditions
Where homeopathy cannot help: Cannot reverse irreparable damage or replace absent body hormones Cannot replace surgical procedures Slide shows Pulsatilla
What are the advantages? Safe No side effects Not addictive Only used while problem present No adverse interaction with conventional medicines Slide shows Symphytum officinale
The homeopathic consultation Duration: Usually 1 hour Objective: to discover the overall picture – “the whole person” Jennifer Lenhart and a patient in her consulting room
What the consultation will focus on General features - sleep, appetite, thirst Mental features - temperament, emotions, general sense of “well being” Particular symptoms – physical characteristics related to the complaint
Other factors: General likes and dislikes - temperature, time of day, lifestyle, eating habits and preferences Medical history and family history Consulting room at RLHH
Following the consultation Case analysed by homeopathic practitioner Homeopathic medicine prescribed Pharmacy at RLHH
Dosage of medicine Regular or single dose
Strength of medicine Range of potencies x range c range Examples - 6x, 30c, 200c
Review of treatment Four weeks after first consultation Usually 20-30 minutes long Practitioner will assess how the treatment is progressing Peter Fisher with patient in his consulting room
Response to medicine Practitioner will observe whether symptoms have been alleviated and to what degree. Onset and duration of improvement will be noted Jennifer Lenhart with patient
Outcome of review No further medicine Repeat original medicine - at same or different dose Prescribe new medicine Jenny Boyle in her consulting room with family
What is homeopathy used for? Some common examples Chamomile, Cuprum met and Coffea
Indigestion Nux vomica 30c three times per day until better and then as needed.
Joint pain – Osteo/Rheumatoid Arthritis Rhus tox 30c three times per day until better and then as needed.
Bruising – acute trauma Arnica 30c every 15 mins in first hour; hourly for rest of day; then four times per day until better.
Leg / calf cramps – especially nocturnal cramps Cuprum metallicum 30c three times per day until better and then as needed.
Insomnia Coffea 30c at bedtime and every 30 minutes if still awake.
Eczema Sulphur 6c three times on one day only. If no worsening / flare up of eczema continue twice daily until better. Beware worsening of eczema / aggravation reactions, especially in children.
Chilblains Agaricus muscarius 30c three times per day until better and then as needed.
Warts / Verrucae Thuja 6c twice a day until a change in the wart is noticed. Then stop.
Teething Chamomilla 6c four times per day until better and then as needed.
Infantile colic Ensure that medical diagnoses have been excluded. Colocynth 6c three times per day until better and then as needed. An alternative is Chamomilla 6c If no better after 2 days stop medicine and seek medical advice.
Car / motion sickness Cocculus 30c on the morning of the journey and upon leaving home. Repeat the dose if feeling nauseous during the journey.
Hay fever For acute symptoms - Combination remedy containing Allium cepa / Euphrasia / Sabadilla 30c. Give four times daily as needed. For prevention - Mixed Grass and Pollen 30c twice daily. Start four weeks before season and continue throughout. Catkins with birch pollen
Five reasons to choose homeopathy: It is often successful where other treatments have failed and can reduce the need to take conventional treatments Not addictive and no dangerous side-effects You are treated as a whole person – emotional and environmental factors also affect your wellbeing It tackles the cause rather than suppressing symptoms People often say homeopathy makes them feel better in themselves
Medically qualified practitioners The Faculty of Homeopathy trains doctors, nurses, midwives, vets, dentists, pharmacists, podiatrists and other healthcare professionals in homeopathic medicine. The Faculty promotes an integrated approach to care, where homeopathy is used to complement conventional medicine. www.facultyofhomeopathy.org
Read about homeopathy The British Homeopathic Association publishes Health and Homeopathy magazine – get the latest news, book reviews and articles written by medically qualified homeopaths. To subscribe, join the BHA as a Friend by calling 01582 408675.
Find out more... Tel: 01582 408675 info@britishhomeopathic.org Contact the British Homeopathic Association for a free information pack: Tel: 01582 408675 info@britishhomeopathic.org www.britishhomeopathic.org