CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction California English Language Development Test and Title III Accountability Update Lily Roberts, Administrator CELDT and Title III Consultants Tavi G. Popp Stephanie Woo Sacramento – November 19, 2010
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 2 Presentation Overview CELDT and Title III Accountability Merge Changes for Kindergarten and Grade One Title III Accountability Update New Guidance for Reclassification of English learners (ELs) with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) Resources and Key Dates Contact Information
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 3 CELDT and Title III Accountability Merge Consolidations –Assessment, Accountability, and Awards Division –CELDT and Title III Accountability Office Staffing Update –CELDT –Title III Accountability
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 4 Changes for Kindergarten and Grade One (K–1) Testing of K-1 students in Reading and Writing is federally mandated by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Prior to 2009–10, K–1 students were tested only in Listening and Speaking. Beginning with the 2009–10 Edition, K–1 Reading and Writing became operational. In 2009–10, the overall score (for reporting and local purposes) was still calculated as the average of Listening and Speaking.
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 5 Changes for K–1 (cont.) In July 2010, the State Board of Education approved modifications to the: 1) Calculation of the overall score for K–1 2) Definition of the English proficient level on the CELDT for K– K–1 Reading and Writing Raw Score to Scale Tables are posted at
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 6 Changes for K–1 (cont.) The updated calculation of the overall score for K–1 applies the following weights: –45 % for Listening –45 % for Speaking –5 % for Reading –5 % for Writing The new definition of English Proficiency on the CELDT (CELDT Criterion) for K–1 requires: –Overall score of Early Advanced or above, and –Domain scores for Listening and Speaking at the Intermediate level or above
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 7 Title III Accountability Update: Overview CELDT Criterion Annual measurable achievement objective (AMAO) 2 English Learner Identification 2009–10 AMAO Calculations 2009–10 Title III Accountability Results and Update 2010–11 AMAO Calculations
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 8 Title III Accountability Update: CELDT Criterion Calculations for K–1: –Overall (all 4 domains) Early Advanced or above, and –Listening and Speaking domains at Intermediate or above (No minimum performance level requirements for Reading and Writing) Calculations for Grades 2–12 (no change): –Overall (all 4 domains) Early Advanced or above, and –all four domains Intermediate or above
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 9 Title III Accountability Update: AMAO 2 English Learner Identification All English learners (including Initials) tested during Annual Assessment (AA) window K–1: –Overall at Early Advanced or above, and Listening and Speaking at Intermediate or above Grades 2–12: –Overall Early Advanced or above, and all four domains Intermediate or above
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 10 Title III Accountability Update: 2009–10 AMAO Calculations AMAO 1 No change to targets Prior year CELDT score can be from a year other than the immediately preceding year (2006–07, 2007–08, or 2008–09) Inclusion of K–1 reading and writing domains AMAO 2 Changes made to comply with the Notice of Final Interpretations released by the U.S. Department of Education Inclusion of K–1 reading and writing domains
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 11 Title III Accountability Update: AMAO Calculations (cont.) AMAO 2 (cont.) Two cohorts are established: –ELs who have been in language instruction educational programs for less than 5 years –ELs who have been in language instruction educational programs for 5 years or more Time in language instruction = (date CELDT testing complete) minus (date first enrolled in a US school)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 12 Title III Accountability Update: AMAO Calculations (cont.) AMAO 1 acceptable prior CELDT scores: 2008–09, 2007–08, and 2006–07 K–1: –Scale scores for Listening and Speaking only Grades 2–12: –Scale scores for all four domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 13 Title III Accountability Update: AMAO Calculations (cont.) AMAO 1 Overall Scores: K–1: –45% Listening –45% Speaking –5% Reading –5% Writing Grades 2–12: –Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing at 25% each (average of four domains)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 14 Title III Accountability Update: AMAO Calculations (cont.) AMAO Targets: AMAO 1: 53.1% AMAO 2: –Less than 5 years target: 17.4% –5 years or more target: 41.3%
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 15 Title III Accountability Update: Results and Update Posted in September 2010: –2009–10 Title III Accountability Report Information Guide –2009–10 Title III Accountability Reports of AMAOs 1, 2, and 3 Updated 2009–10 Title III Accountability Reports will post in November 2010 Available on the CDE Title III Accountability Web page at
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 16 Title III Accountability Update: AMAO Calculations AMAO 1 acceptable prior CELDT scores: 2009–10, 2008–09, 2007–08, and 2006–07 K–1: –2009–10: Scale scores for all 4 domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing –Prior to 2009–10: Scale scores for Listening and Speaking only Grades 2–12: –Scale scores for all 4 domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 17 Title III Accountability Update: AMAO Calculations (cont.) AMAO Targets: AMAO 1: 54.6% AMAO 2: –Less than 5 years target: 18.7% –5 years or more target: 43.2%
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 18 New Guidance for Reclassification of ELs with IEPs Updated guidance from the CDE for reclassification affects the following students: –ELs with IEPs who take one or more California Modified Assessments (CMAs) in the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program –ELs with IEPs who do NOT take the California Standards Test – English Language Arts (CST – ELA)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 19 New Guidance for Reclassification of ELs with IEPs (cont.) Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) may consider the CMA as a “test of basic skills” within the meaning of California Education Code (EC) Section 313 (d)4 for the purpose of reclassification for the following reasons: –Eligible students, in accordance with active IEPs, are assessed on the CMA rather than the CST in compliance with federal law (34 C.F.R.§200.1(e)(ii)(A)). –Use of the CMA in connection with criteria set forth in EC Section 313 (d) allows LEAs to reclassify eligible students, and to place students into English language instructional services aligned with their educational needs.
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 20 New Guidance for Reclassification of ELs with IEPs (cont.) EC 313 (d) –Assessment of language proficiency using an objective assessment, including, but not limited to the CELDT (EC Section 60810) –Teacher evaluation –Parental opinion and consultation –Comparison of the pupil’s performance in basic skills against an empirically established range of performance in basic skills based upon the performance of English proficient pupils of the same age, which demonstrates that the pupil is sufficiently proficient in English to succeed in an English-only classroom
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 21 New Guidance for Reclassification of ELs with IEPs (cont.) Definitions –“Performance in basic skills” means the score and/or performance level resulting from a recent administration of an objective assessment of basic skills in English (such as the CST–ELA or the CMA–ELA). –“Range of performance in basic skills” means a range of scores on the test of basic skills in English that corresponds to a performance level or range within a performance level (such as a score on the CST–ELA, or the CMA–ELA in the range from the beginning of Basic level up to the midpoint of Basic level).
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 22 Resources and Key Dates: 2010–11 Test Results Interpretation Guides –Available in English, Spanish, Chinese (traditional), Vietnamese Understanding and Using 2010–11 Individual Results –Posted in November 2010 Released Test Questions (Updated) –Posted in December 2010 Explaining and Using 2010–11 Summary Results –Posted in May 2011 Resources above will be available on the CDE CELDT Resources Web page at
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 23 Resources and Key Dates (cont.): CELDT Live! Upcoming Online Presentations –December 7, 2010: Reports and Data Management –January 25, 2011: Data Review Module and Accountability Scoring Training of Trainers –2010–11 Edition workshops completed in August –2011–12 Edition workshops will begin in spring Additional information available on the Educational Data Systems CELDT Web site at (Outside Source)
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 24 Resources and Key Dates (cont.): October 2010 — Release of 2009–10 Initial Assessment (IA) and Combined (IA and Annual Assessment [AA]) Results October 31, 2010 — End of 2010–11 AA window November 15, 2010 — Receipt deadline for 2010–11 AA scorable materials November 30, 2010 — Updated Title III Accountability Reports December 2010 — 2009–10 AMAO 3 Update February 7–28, 2011 — Data Review Module May 2011 — Release of 2010–11 AA Results
JACK O’CONNELL State Superintendent of Public Instruction CELDT and Title III Accountability 25 Contact Information CELDT Contractor, Educational Data Systems Telephone: 866–850– Web site: CDE CELDT and Title III Accountability Office Phone: 916–319–0784 CELDT CELDT Web page: AMAO Title III Accountability Web page: