By: Alec Stivers Ian Kohut Pd. 2
How Intelligence Develops Signs of preoperational thinking Using symbols: learn different things can mean other things. (bow and ribbon=holiday) Make-believe play: playing real life situations (TV) Egocentric viewpoint: they believe everything revolves around them Limited focus: are not able to depict two things at the same time (more blue/yellow tennis balls)
Measuring Intelligence People judge intelligence by the wrong characteristics (looks) Could be smart, but hide it. Stanford Binet test. (IQ) Varies for age Not totally accurate Parents get too concerned
Everyday Learning Opportunities Take time out of your day for your child. Ask questions, make them realize more about their surroundings Ask them for advice on small things. -self esteem. Adventures! Household chores -turn it into a game
Reading! Read to them as much as possible use the environment add humor -voices teach them words as you read
Art! Art materials in the house NO CORRECTIONS -self esteem Ask them about their drawing -make a story up
Music! Use finger plays Air guitar! Let them use house hold items Bare the sound.
The School Experience Most start school between the ages of 4 and 6 Nursery school or preschool programs Vital they develop a good attitude Bad experiences can start negative feelings
The School Experience Cont. Parents can help Make sure the child has a full medical and dental examination Self-help skills Know their name, address, and phone # Help with simple directions Take them to open houses
Learning Disabilities HyperactiveDyslexia Child cannot concentrate on anything long enough to learn Dyslexia is a learning disability that wont let the kid handle language in a normal way
Gifted Children 3-10 % are considered gifted IQ 130 or above May be gifted but doesn’t show up on an IQ test Easily frustrated and become bored with school A lack of challenge in school become poor students
Speech Development What they say tells much about the way they think Interests and personality They learned by listening As they get older their vocab. Will grow Articulation improves dramatically between 3 and 6 3 years- 30% 6 years- 90% correctly
Speech Difficulties Unable to handle language well have difficult reading and cant keep up in class Can’t understand the teacher Foreign languages at home will cause a problem at school Emotional damage can affect the child’s speech Parents are the most powerful teacher