Research Outline and Sandwiches Putting it all Together
The “Research Sandwich” Creating a research sandwich is a lot like writing a SLAM. This is the basic structure of your body paragraphs. Your introduction and conclusion will be structured a little differently, but we will get to that later. Once you get a rhythm you can be a bit more creative in how you structure these sandwiches and chance them up a bit to make your writing interesting… more YOUR STYLE
The “Research Sandwich” Each body paragraph will include: Your own words (topic sentence) Research (direct quote or summary to back up your words) Your own words (analysis, summary, or transition to the next topic)
The “Research Sandwich” Let’s look at an example of Your Words (topic sentence). If young girls are constantly exposed to pictures of beautiful, thin women, they might think that they must conform to this ideal to be considered attractive and become unhappy with their bodies.
The “Research Sandwich” Let’s look at an example of Research (direct quote or summary to back up your words). One study found that exposure to media images decreases the body satisfaction in girls (Wertheim et al 47). Researcher James Thomas states that this body dissatisfaction occurs when “the individual accepts societal views of ideal weight and attractiveness and acts in a certain way to achieve the ideal body” (93).
The “Research Sandwich” Let’s look at an example of Your Words (analysis, summary, or transition to the next topic). When girls are not happy with the way they look, they may turn to crash diets or other unhealthy eating habits in order to try and conform to an unrealistic standard of beauty.
The “Research Sandwich” A research sandwich can stand alone as a paragraph, or you can put two or three together if the ideas are closely related to form one longer paragraph. It’s important to include smooth transitions from one “sandwich” to the next. Sometimes this can be accomplished in the concluding sentence of the sandwich or in the next topic sentence, but be sure you think about the transition so your paper doesn’t seem to jump from topic to topic. Let’s take a look at an example in your packet on page 23.
The “Research Sandwich” worksheets Writing a Research Paper – Body Paragraphs For the research sandwich worksheets, start by writing your working thesis in the space on worksheet #1. Fill in the rest of the worksheet, then move to worksheet #2 and so on. Write an idea for a transition. This will help to keep your ideas organized. I am not collecting these worksheets. These are for you, if you need them. They will help you to develop your body paragraphs if you get stuck.
The Research Outline (Summative Assignment) I will be collecting this paper on Monday, 12/1/15 Fill in each section of this paper with complete sentences, not fragments. The supporting detail sections should be written in as c omplete sentence using specific evidence and include a parenthetical citation. Let’s look at an example of this on the next slide.
The Research Outline You would write something like this in each of the Supporting Detail sections: In the book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, the author makes a important statement when she states, “The developer of the IQ tests, Alfred Binet, did not design the test to give a person a score that is the measure of one’s intelligence” (Dweck 5). Let’s Watch “In-Text Citations”
Traffic Jam (energizer) The object of this activity is to get your team to the other side without breaking any of the rules… Only one person may move at one time. People may only move forward. People may only pass someone from the other side. People may only pass one person at a time. People may only move into spots that are already open Empty