What is SAGE? SAGE (Student Assessment of Growth and Excellence) is Utah’s computer adaptive assessment system aligned to the State’s Core Standards. This comprehensive testing system includes the following summative, interim, and formative components. Vendor: AIR (American Institute for Research) Provides Computer Adaptive Systems in Oregon, Delaware, Hawaii, and Minnesota 60 yrs experience Only vendor with iPad capability 5 year contract for services in Utah
How is Granite going to use SAGE? Summative: Spring of each year, replaces the CRT. Summative adaptive assessments required for state and federal accountability provided for English language arts (ELA), math and science Interim: Fall and mid year, but not implemented until next Fall. Formative: (not this year) Optional learning resources, test items, and learning activities available to teachers, parents and students, linked to students’ summative test results. Offers tools to help teachers target instruction. Provides immediate links to formative material. Would like schools to volunteer to use this now using, desktops, laptops, Chrome books and iPads.
Formative System Extends capabilities of UTIPS All UTIPS questions to be used will go through AIR’s psychometricians for quality control. UTIPS included state- and teacher-authored formative items. Learning Point Navigator Offers multiple open-source libraries Will include UTIPS libraries Includes instructional resources as well as formative assessments
What will be tested and features available? Subjects Tested Language Arts (Grades 3-11) Math (Math 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Secondary Math I, II, & III) Science (Science 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics) Grades 3-12 Fall to spring and spring to spring growth
Features Aligned to Utah Core Standards Utah has complete control of assessment items, system, and reports Includes multiple choice and interactive test items Broadest range of technology platforms (oldest to current generation iPads) Web-based system requires minimal local support Individualized accommodations for each student
What about kids who are not taught on-grade content? Students should be tested on what they are taught. Standards-based education tries to ensure that every student has an opportunity to learn rigorous content. Students receiving an off-grade curriculum should be tested with the off-grade test. Educators should be VERY reluctant to confine a student to the curriculum from an earlier grade. Students are not allowed to test down (they may test up in higher courses than their current grade level)
Standards-Based Adaptive Testing Every student sees the full range of content. Every student has the chance to demonstrate the same range of cognitive skills. Item difficulty adjusts to student performance. All test items will be out of the current grade Core Curriculum.
Adaptive Full range testing student abilities from low performing to high performing Utilizes grade level content Science Example: 4 th weather, 5 th solar system, 6 th rocks A 5 th grade student will not receive questions about the weather or rocks- but full ability range on solar system
Timeline Fall 2014? – Formative tests (pilot When not sure) Spring 2014 – Summative Operational Field Test (Apr.-Jun.) Summer Data analysis ( Jun.-Aug.) Aug or later – Issue reports November -UCASS- For Spring 2014 reports Does not require double testing Fall 2014 – Interim Tests
What Assessment reports will be available? Immediate results as soon as it is submitted combined proficiency and scaled score no raw. Raw percentage will not mean anything on the adaptive. Test will get harder or easier up till 50% of raw scores. Robust electronic reporting Students & Parents Teachers Public Diagnostic information for all students Low achievement to high achievement
Summary Standards-based adaptive assessment Provides good measurement for all students Brings the right assessments into the classroom Accessible for All Embedded supports and accommodations to test every student fairly Immediate reporting Actionable data to support instruction Immediate links to formative material Classroom activities and formative assessments to evaluate individual needs
Supported Devices Windows Mac OS X Android Google Nexus 10 IOS tablets iPad 2,3,4 (Retina Display) Text-to-speech not supported on iPads Chrome Books ChromeOS version 18 or higher