Research Ethics Prof. Muthukumaran Sivanandham Dean - Research Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur
Research Ethics
Rights and Responsibilities of a Researcher Fairness Fairness Professional Conduct Professional Conduct Compliance Compliance Authorship Authorship Publication responsibilities Publication responsibilities Data collection and management Data collection and management Fiscal responsibilities Fiscal responsibilities
Fairness Fair to other members, students, and workers Fair to other members, students, and workers No harassment and discrimination No harassment and discrimination No abuse of authority No abuse of authority No personal relationship obstruct the judgment No personal relationship obstruct the judgment
Professional Conduct Ethical standards of professional conduct in performing research Ethical standards of professional conduct in performing research Support intellectual freedom Support intellectual freedom Take responsibilities for failures Take responsibilities for failures Be open Be open Maintain transparency within your group Maintain transparency within your group
Compliance Comply with local, state and central government laws and regulations related to research Comply with local, state and central government laws and regulations related to research Building code for laboratories Building code for laboratories Regulation for handling hazardous substances Regulation for handling hazardous substances Regulations on flammables Regulations on flammables Regulations on corrosive agents Regulations on corrosive agents Chemical hazard – (carcinogen – mask) ; lead batteries; Chemical hazard – (carcinogen – mask) ; lead batteries; Biohazard – handling, use, and disposal Biohazard – handling, use, and disposal
Compliance Cont. Regulation for handling experimental animals in research. Alternative Alternative Animal rights – humane treatment Animal rights – humane treatment Animal care – housing, feeding, and medical care Animal care – housing, feeding, and medical care Animal use – strict to the planned number of animals, care should be given in alleviating pain and suffering Animal use – strict to the planned number of animals, care should be given in alleviating pain and suffering
Compliance Cont. Regulation for using human volunteers in research. Regulation for using human volunteers in research. Alternative – in vitro and animal studies Alternative – in vitro and animal studies Informed Consent Informed Consent Description of the study Description of the study Role of the volunteer in the study Role of the volunteer in the study Side effect Side effect Compensation Compensation Volunteerism Volunteerism
Data Collection and Management Research Data Research Data Collecting data Collecting data Storing data Storing data Using data – publication & patent issue Using data – publication & patent issue Falsification and fabrication Falsification and fabrication Authorship Authorship Institutional ethical practice on originality, fair credit to contributors Institutional ethical practice on originality, fair credit to contributors Copyrights Copyrights Responsibility for the published data Responsibility for the published data
Fiscal Responsibility Fiscal Responsibility Purchase of goods and services Auditing requirement Auditing requirement Reporting requirement Reporting requirement Consultation fees Consultation fees Industry relationship Industry relationship Financial disclosure Financial disclosure
Research Misconduct Report to authorities Report to authorities Enquiry committee Enquiry committee Bar from applying grant and performing research Bar from applying grant and performing research Open apology Open apology Regulations to protect whistleblowers Regulations to protect whistleblowers
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