Security - IDS Refresh Project Phil Healey Date of Greenlight Meeting
Business Problem Sourcefire Intrusion Detection devices on the SPE network are no longer the preferred IDS system They are leased from a vendor at a cost of $278,472 per year, with $117,890 for maintenance on top SPE bandwidth has grown since the Sourcefires were installed and we have now exceeded their threshold for monitoring They are approaching end of life support with the manufacturer, therefore updates for new vulnerabilities will not be applied 2
Proposed Solution HP Tipping Point appliances are the Sony Corp preferred model They are higher capacity appliances so can monitor the SPE network effectively They are also the latest spec, so will ensure we have ongoing vendor support for the foreseeable future This is the Sony standard for IDS and IPS inside the Sony network 3
Financial Summary 4
Benefits Category$ BenefitDescription Cost Avoidance/ Reduction $589,884 o 5 Year Total Benefits – lease costs and 5 year maintenance costs saved from Sourcefire appliances ($1,981,810 in total over 5 years) Risk AvoidanceN/A o HP Tipping Points are higher capacity appliances o Sourcefire appliances are approaching end of life support with the manufacturer and will not receive new vulnerability updates Intangible Benefits N/A o HP Tipping Points align with Sony standard for IDS monitoring o IPS capability 5
Competitive Analysis Other Sony entities are also deploying HP Tipping Point’s as IDS monitors at key network boundaries as they are GSIRT/Sony Corp’s preferred appliance 6
Project Timeline FY1 AprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNov Installation, configuration & return of Sourcefire appliances Obtain funds Procurement, project planning Requirements & analysis Closure 7
Appendix 8
Resource Information (SAMPLE) 9
Security, Risk, and Compliance Considerations HP Tipping Points align with Sony Corp/GSIRT standards for IDS monitoring Sourcefires will not update for new vulnerabilities once they are end of vendor support so Tipping Point’s will insure SPE against this risk Tipping Point’s will monitor more of the SPE bandwidth than the Sourcefires Risk of scope increase as Infosec have requested coverage of the WAN and behind Palo Alto firewalls 10