Project Planning & Time Building Blocks 1 Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
2 A project has a single objective that must be accomplished through the completion of tasks that are unique and interrelated Projects are completed through the deployment of resources Projects have scopes, schedules, and costs and are accomplished within specific deadlines, budgets, and according to specification What is a Project? Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
3 ●In this highly interactive KMU417 Project Planning and Organization course, you’ll walk through the key steps of successful project management - including how to initiate, plan, control, monitor, execute and closeout projects. ●You’ll learn how to create a project plan to ensure all tasks are finished on time, within budget. ●You will practice creating work breakdown structures to accurately estimate resources, time, cost and risk. ●You’ll also gain strategies for identifying risks and developing plans to minimize, eliminate or handle them. ●Bring your Prof.Dr. Abdurrahman Tanyolaç IV. Young Innovative Entrepreneurs Project with you and be ready to fully participate in this course. You will immediately incorporate the techniques and templates you learn. Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
4 Identifying a group project for: Prof.Dr. Abdurrahman Tanyolaç IV. Young Innovative Entrepreneurs Project Competition ∆∆∆ As we move through this KMU 417 Project Planning and Organization course, project themes should be in adherence to the theme of sustainable innovative technologies. What is your project name? What is the main goal of your team’s project?
5 Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester Project themes may comprise, Genetics Technology, Intelligent Structures, Fail-safe Nuclear Power Plants, Biotechnology For the 21st Century, Revolutionary Materials, Gas Hydrates, Next Generation Batteries Photovoltaics.
6 In the beginning, we know we can manage our projects, but before long…. Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
7 ●Equipping yourself and your project group members with high-tech tools and software is important, but in order to improve performance, ●You need to know the game plan and fully understand: The Big Picture The business context Their players, assets, and their role in the whole thing How to develop situation strategies and plans Assembling all of the elements in a results driven system!
8 Engineering projects are multifaceted They consist of complex interdependent tasks Learn how to use several basic tools Work breakdown structures Resource allocation Gantt charts Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
9 Phases of Project Management Define the project’s scopeDefine the project’s scope Develop the project’s planDevelop the project’s plan Implement the plan & control the processImplement the plan & control the process Close out the projectClose out the project Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester And never forget: plan a project from the estimate to the operation for maximum return!
10 Develop the Project’s Plan Break Down Project Tasks (WBS) Time Estimation & Dependencies Determine Resource Needs Develop Gantt Chart Review & adjust Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
11 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) A hierarchical representation of activities It starts with the major project areas to be accomplished It breaks the project areas into actionable pieces of work, segmenting elements into appropriate sublevels
12 WBS* – Activity Levels *Work Breakdown Structure Level 1 – Identify major objective areas or categories Level 2 – Begin to divide the areas into sub- tasks Level 3 – Continue to break down the sub- tasks into actionable items The lowest level associated with a branch in the hierarchy is referred to as a “work package” # of levels depends on project complexity Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
13 How much detail do you need? Does the WBS contain enough detail to evaluate progress? Do you have clear accountability for each work package? Are there start & end events? Can you easily estimate time & cost? Is there a clearly defined deliverable? Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
14 ●A project work breakdown structure (WBS) is a deliverable or product-oriented grouping of project work elements shown in graphical display to organize and subdivide the total work scope of a project. ●The WBS is a particularly important project tool. Considerable thought and planning should be given to its development and implementation so that subsequent changes are minimized. ●Major revisions to a WBS require both substantial effort and resources, due to its application to a wide array of project activities. Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
15 WBS DEVELOPMENT ●A WBS is the cornerstone of effective project planning, execution, controlling, statusing, and reporting. ●All the work contained within the WBS is to be identified, estimated, scheduled, and budgeted. The WBS is the structure and code that integrates and relates all project work (scope, schedule, and cost). Therefore, the WBS contains the project’s scope baseline necessary to achieve the technical objectives of the work described. ●The WBS is used as a management tool throughout the life cycle of a project to identify, assign, and track its total work scope. Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
16 ●When initial project funding is received, the Project Director (PD) develops a WBS that identifies necessary funds according to the schedule and needs of the tasks in the WBS elements. ●The WBS is generally a multi-level framework that organizes and graphically displays elements representing work to be accomplished in logical relationships. Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
17 The Project Director (PD) is to structure the project work into WBS elements (work packages) that are: Definable - can be described and easily understood by project participants. Manageable - a meaningful unit of work where specific responsibility and authority can be assigned to a responsible individual. Estimateable - duration can be estimated in time required to complete, and cost can be estimated in resources required to complete. Independent - minimum interface with or dependence on other ongoing elements (i.e., assignable to a single control account, and clearly distinguishable from other work packages). Integratable - integrates with other project work elements and with higher level cost estimates and schedules to include the entire project. Measurable - can be used to measure progress; has start and completion dates and measurable interim milestones. Adaptable - sufficiently flexible so the addition/elimination of work scope can be readily accommodated in the WBS framework.
18 Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
19 Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
20 Project Planning Activity Create a work breakdown structure for your project Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
21 Time Duration Managing a project requires awareness of two time frames 1. The amount of effort a task will take (in time), e.g., 3 hours to write a report 2. The calendar span over which the activity will occur, e.g., the report will be done within a week Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
Time Estimation If feasible, have person responsible make the estimate Should take into account the resources needed for the activity Do not overestimate to account for everything that can go wrong Keep in mind the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy ( A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 22
Uncertainty in Time Estimates Some activities will take longer and others will go faster than expected Sources of uncertainty: Varying knowledge and skills Individual difference in approaching work Mistakes or misunderstandings Unexpected events (!!) Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 23
Project Planning Activity For each work package, estimate the time duration in days Determine then determine the time duration of each higher level activity Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 24
Identifying Resources To accomplish each activity identified in the work breakdown structure (WBS) requires the use of resources: Personnel (who, how many, their skills) Space (meeting location, lab facilities) Equipment (rent, own, purchase, how long needed) Money (budget limitations) Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 25
Assigning Resources Assign resources to the appropriate tasks (personnel, space, equipment, money) Be realistic– no one can be in two places at one time Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 26
Project Planning Activity What are the resources needed for each task in the work breakdown structure (WBS)? Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 27
Dependencies Dependencies are the relationships between activities “Finish to Start” example Predecessor Task: A Successor Task: B Arrow head indicates dependency relationship: Task B cannot begin until Task A is complete AB Examples of other dependency types: -start to finish -start to start -finish to finish Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 28
Project Planning Activity Number all tasks in work breakdown structure (WBS) Identify the dependencies between each task Notice at what level you are identifying the dependency. How does the dependency affect higher or lower level activities? Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 29
The Gantt Chart: A The Gantt Chart: A Visual Scheduling Tool Graphically represents work breakdown structure (WBS) information Shows dependencies between tasks, time duration, personnel, and other resource allocations Tracks progress towards project completion Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 30
Building a Gantt Chart - Axes List all tasks and milestones from the work breakdown structure (WBS) along the vertical axis List time frame along the horizontal axis Tasks: Design support columns Select final material Design… Time Frame: day 1 day 2 day 3 Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 31
Building a Gantt Chart—Dependencies For example: Design for a chemical reactor cannot begin until materials are chosen Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 32
Project Planning Activity Based on the WBS (tasks, durations, and dependencies), create a Gantt Chart Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 33
Next Step: Implement the Plan After the plan is complete, everyone should know who is responsible for each activity and when each task must be complete to ensure project success Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester 34
35 Responsibility Matrix Creates accountability by assigning each task to a person TaskYağmurOğuzZeynep Activity 1x Activity 2x Activity 3x Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
36 Project Planning Summary Create WBS to identify activities Estimate time durations Identify resource needs Note dependencies between tasks Schedule activities using a Gantt chart Review plan until you reach agreement Put plan into action! Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
37 Managing Your Project: Planning & Time References 1. Van Aken, S. (2001) University Leadership Development, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 2. Gido, J., & Clements, J.P. (1999). Successful project management. South-Western College Publishing Weiss, J.W., and Wysocki, R.K. (1992) 5-Phase Project Management: A Practical Planning and Implementation Guide. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley. Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
38 Managing Your Projects: Time What does it take to create something bigger than yourself? Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
39 Learning Objectives Understand the need for tracking personal time management Conceptualize the difference between managing commitments and managing time Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
40 What characterizes a project? Comprised of orchestrated activities performed by people to bring something into existence that would not occur naturally Possesses creation and causation Calls people to action Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
41 How We Think Projects Evolve… Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
42 Methods to Track Time Time management books or schedulers Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) A piece of paper to write things down Memory What problems do you have in the area of time management? What do you want to get out of this conversation on time management?
43 History of Time How was time measured? Began with light and dark Evolved to Solar and Lunar calendars Humans developed mechanical clocks Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
44 Nature of Time Q: Is time like a sail boat or a motor boat? A: It’s more like a sail boat in a shifting wind Class-room example Vacation Example Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
45 What Do You Manage? You do not manage time You manage your commitments Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
46 Managing Commitments 1. Determine time 2. Specify place 3. Identify the appropriate resources Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
47 Structures for Time Management Where is the last place you should put your commitments? In your memory Why? How many things can you keep in your memory? What do you remember when you are upset? How long does it take to get upset in your normal day? Need some structure outside of your memory in which commitments can exist Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
48 Commitment Management Exercise List ALL of the commitments you have for the next week. (Look in all areas of your life) What to track? to-dos/meetings/calls Projects/themes Now put everything into a schedule with time/place/resources Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
49 Open Item List DateWhatWhoResourcesDate Due Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
50 Weekly Schedule SunMonTueWedThFrSat 07:00 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester
51 Planning Time Windows short-term medium-term long-term Each Window has a different level of clarity and detail Missing any one of these alters how you act Working within these windows will influence engineering project teams Prof.Dr. Ahmet R. Özdural – Class Notes_01 - KMU417 Project Planning and Organization – Fall Semester