Designing a Technical and Vocational Curriculum (Post 16) Wednesday 14 October 2015 – 9.00 a.m. to The Hertfordshire Development Centre, Stevenage Presented by: Cheryl Woods (Pearson)
Why deliver ‘employability’ in schools… To both encourage and support the journey between education and employment. To enable young people to access new experiences, develop knowledge, skills and competences, which relate to the world of work and enable them to grow in confidence. To equip learners with the information they need to make an informed decision about their future progression and opportunities. To support the growing ‘skills gaps’ in the labour market.
External drivers and influencers… “Awareness and understanding of the world of work is integral to the delivery of education and this is best achieved through business and schools working in partnership” (UKCES) Key Agencies supporting and promoting the employability agenda: Ofsted DfE BIS CBI Aelp UKCES TUC and many other employer groups and professional & training bodies…
New Common Inspection Framework New key focus on : Personal, social, moral, cultural and spiritual development, including through access to cultural experiences and work experience so that they are well prepared to respect others and contribute to wider society and life in Britain today. Choices about the next stage of their education, employment, self- employment or training, where relevant, from independent careers advice and guidance. Where relevant, employability skills so that they are well prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training.
How do we manage this transition?... To fulfil this ambition the key areas to consider are: Enriching and enhancing the delivery of education, and building the world of work into the curriculum. Planning and providing relevant and quality work experience opportunities. Providing careers information by giving learners the appropriate IAG, and to provide the learner with the information and tools to explore the opportunities.
Traineeships and their 'relationship' to schools and learners
Building the ‘Technical & Vocational’ programme Skills for Work Work Experience Industry Knowledge English & Maths Behaviour Personal & Social Skills SelfSmart Behavioural Diagnostics Sustained Job Outcome Employability 9
Designing and delivering a ‘Technical Vocational’ curriculum at KS5…(an example)
Progression opportunities for learners…