Your personality and interests Aptitudes and abilities Values THINGS TO CONSIDER…
Set your goals. Education and training: What do you need to be successful in this workforce? Does it require an apprenticeship? Basic job skills: Employability skills: General skills required to acquire and retain a job. Workplace readiness: Good work ethic. Being a good team member Ability to improve Understanding the big picture DEVELOPING YOUR CAREER PLAN
Networking: Communicating with people you know or can get to know to share information and advice about jobs. The internet Job advertisements Employment agencies Building a resume Keep it brief and to the point! Building a portfolio Collection of your work Job applications: References: Must be those who know you and your skill sets. FINDING A JOB
CAREERS Finish Extreme Makeover Home Edition Part 2: AV5o AV5o Careers Packet: Complete packet utilizing your textbooks. Careers Research: Choose career of your choice and answer questions. Then create a powerpoint or Prezi pertaining to your career using iPads. These are due on Thursday. to