Workplace Bullying There’s Gonna Be A Law! The Campaign to Enact the anti-bullying
Work•place Bul•ly•ing n WBI Definition Work•place Bul•ly•ing n repeated, health-harming mistreatment by one or more people of an employee by: verbal abuse, or threats, intimidation, humiliation, or work interference, sabotage, or exploitation of a known vulnerability, or a combination of any
U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey 2010 U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey THE SECOND RESPRESENTATIVE STUDY OF ALL ADULT AMERICANS
15% 26% 50% 9% U.S. Prevalence Witnessed Only Been Bullied No Experience 9% Current WBI U.S. Natl 2010
WBI U.S. Natl 2010
Bullying of Men & Women by Women & Men 38% 62% WBI U.S. Natl 2010
27 % MORE Abusive Bullying Worsens in Tough Times 5 % Less 67 % Unchanged WBI Summer 2009
Bottom Up 10% Bosses CWs 72% 18% It’s True -- Most Bullies Are Bosses WBI U.S. Natl 2007
Who Is Targeted? Retaliation 37% WBI U.S. Natl 2007
$$$ Impact on Organizations Retaliation 37%
Tangible Employer Costs Turnover and Replacement Costs Absenteeism, Presenteeism Fatigue-Caused Errors & Accidents Fouled Team Productivity Litigation/Arbitration/Settlement Expenses Workers Comp / Disability
Estimating Employer Costs 9% of workforce is currently bullied 66% of women targets lose jobs Bullying accounts for 6% preventable workforce loss
Replacement = 2 x salary To replace a $50,000 salaried worker costs $100,000 Assume a staff of 100 at that pay rate
Due to bullying, 6 people are lost Cost to replace is $600,000 Is this an affordable cost?
BULLIES ARE TOO EXPENSIVE TO KEEP! A rational, evidence/data-based truth BULLIES ARE TOO EXPENSIVE TO KEEP! Retaliation 37%
U.S. Employers’ Response to Bullying
Employers Mostly Ignore It WBI U.S. Natl 2007
Bullies Bully with Impunity Punished/Terminated 4% Investigated 14% No consequences 54% Rewarded 28% WBI Labor Day 2009
The Comprehensive Program to Prevent & Correct Workplace Bullying
Assess Pre-Change Prevalence Collaboratively Create an Anti-Bullying Policy Design Enforcement Procedures applicable to all Train a Peer Expert Team Educate everyone -- Board to Temps Incorporation, Integration & Impact Evaluation © 2010 Work Doctor®, Inc.
There Oughta Be a Law! Retaliation 37%
Laws POLICIES Prevention & Correction ENFORCEMENT Laws Dictate Compliance Laws Prevention & Correction POLICIES ENFORCEMENT
Current Anti-Bullying Laws Sweden: Victimisation At Work, 1994 France: Modernisation At Work, 2002 UK: Harassment (’97) & UN-HR Covenants Australia: 1997 onward Canada: Quebec (’04), Sask (’07), Federal (’08), Ontario (’10), Manitoba (’11) Victoria, Australia -- CRIMINAL (’11) U.S.: nothing, 0, zip, nada
64% 24% Support 12% No Opinion Oppose Support for a Law? Retaliation 37% No Opinion 12% Oppose 24% WBI U.S. Natl 2010
Introduced in 21 States since 2003 The U.S. Anti-Bullying Legislative Campaign Introduced in 21 States since 2003
It will be unlawful to subject ‘abusive work environment’ an employee to an ‘abusive work environment’
Abusive conduct is malicious, repeated mistreatment (verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, humiliation, work sabotage, exploitation of a known vulnerability) that results in demonstrable health harm or negative employment decisions
Affirmative Defensives for Good Employers • Right to discipline poor performers • Right to terminate for illegal activity • No vicarious liability when policy & enforcement procedures in effect and are used
Right to Sue Individual Bullies
The National Grassroots Campaign
Status of the HWB in our State