If a thief breaks into a house, what kinds of things are they going to take? What kind of things will they not take? How quickly do they want to do their job? Write your do now on a post it note from the back table…. Hold up when done
Mr. Wood World History 101
How did early Civilizations and empires in the Mesopotamia region begin? Describe how the earliest civilizations arose in Mesopotamia, organized governments and established the world’s first empires
Create a system of organization to sequence ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions Create more complex topic sentences that tie information to thesis
Do Now Reading like Thieves Note taking and reading
T- Title of section or Chapter H- Headings and sub-headings I- Introduction E- Every first Sentence of a paragraph V- Visuals (non-fiction text features) E- Every last Sentence of a paragraph S- Summary
Non-Fiction Text Features Titles and Heading and Sub-Titles Every first sentence of a paragraph
P Sumerians Create City States P The First Empire Builders Step One: Take OPTIC notes on the Non- Fiction Text Feature Step Two: Turning headings into questions and organize Step Three: Take notes on the first sentence Step Four: We will take notes on the rest of the text
1. Get a note card and answer the question- What does it mean to read like thieves? Hold up when finished. 2. Open up to your Thieves Notes and your book to P. 30
What does it mean to read and take notes like thieves? Then take out your notes- Book P. 31
We will spend a few minutes going over this… … Due at the end of the session!
P Sumerians Create City States P The First Empire Builders Step One: Take notes on the Non-Fiction Text Feature Step Two: Turning headings into questions and organize Step Three: Take notes on the first sentence Step Four: We will take notes on the rest of the text
Write your own Hammurabi Code like law. - Be ready to share!!
How did Civilizations develop in Sumeria? - Make a list of be ready to share - Hold up when you are done!! Get out your notes and turn to page 32
We will work on our Test Ticket: Our test will be two one paragraph mini essays. Today we will prepare.
Everybody stand up!