Physical Science Syllabus Ms. Chastain
Content Physical Science is an introduction to Physics and Chemistry. Some of the topics we will be covering this year are: Scientific MethodWaves Speed and VelocitySound AccelerationLight Newton’s LawsElectricity VectorsMagnetism DensityElectromagnetic Spectrum
What you need for class. 3 ring binder with loose leaf paper Keep notes and bring them with you every day Pencil or pen 10 dollar Lab Fee
Classroom Rules Do not be tardy. Don’t talk while I am talking. Be respectful of others. No food or drink. (You may have water in a closed container) Cell phones are only allowed out when we are working with them in class.
Grades As always grades will consist of: Formative grades: daily work, labs, quizzes, and other assignments Summative grades: labs, tests, and sometimes quizzes Read handbook for makeup work policy
Books We will have a classroom set of books. You will have a textbook assigned to you for classroom work only. If you need to take a book home because of absences and school related absences, you can check a book out from me. Make sure your parents know this!
Dress Code Young ladies will be covered top and bottom. Shoulders should be covered Skirts, dresses and shorts should not be shorter than 6 inches above the knees. See through material…. What is underneath should still meet dress code. Young men – No muscle shirts Keep pants pulled up If you don’t have a belt, I will tie them up or you can go to the office.
Attendance Policy Better attendance means better grades. Missing work will be a zero until it is made up. If you know you will be missing a class, please let me know ahead of time. You can me, but I would rather you talk to me in person.
Change in Discipline Policy ISS days will be recorded with 2 pts for each day. 10 points means that you will not be allowed to participate in school activities outside of school.
Leaving Class Don’t ask me to leave class…… unless it is an EMERGENCY. Webster’s dictionary defines it as an unexpected and usually dangerous situation that calls for immediate action. There is plenty of time to go to the restrooms in between class unless you waste it talking. I am responsible for you during my block.
Contact me address School phone number My webpage 1. Go to school webpage from 2. Drop down menu – pick BHS 3. Faculty tab 4. Chastain