The scalar product of two vectors A and B is equal to the magnitude of vector A times the projection of B onto the direction of vector A. Consider two vectors A and B, the angle between them is . Work, Energy and Power Commutative Law for Dot Product
Where B A represents the projection of vector B onto the direction of vector A. Work, Energy and Power Commutative Law for Dot Product
Where A B represents the projection of vector A onto the direction of B vector. Similarly, Work, Energy and Power Commutative Law for Dot Product
This shows that the dot product of two vectors does not change with the change in the order of the vectors to be multiplied. This fact is known as the commutative of dot product. Work, Energy and Power Commutative Law for Dot Product
According to distributive law for dot product: Consider three vectors A, B and C.Geometric interpretation of dot product by drawing projection (Fig). First we obtain the sum of vectors B and C by head to tail rule then we draw projection OC A and OR A from the terminal point of vector (B+C) respectively onto the direction of A.Fig Work, Energy and Power Distributive Law for Dot Product
Work, Energy and Power Distributive Law for Dot Product The dot product A. (B + C) is equal to the projection of vector (B + C) onto the direction of A multiplied by the magnitude of A. i.e.