GENDER and Sustainable Development Wednesday, 9 December 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

GENDER and Sustainable Development Wednesday, 9 December 2015

In every region of the world, women and men have unique relationships with, dependencies upon, and expertise regarding their environments. Gender equality has been recognized as a critical crosscutting issue in major multilateral environmental agreements for more than 20 years. In 1992, Agenda 21 set the stage, noting in Chapter 24: “Women have considerable knowledge and experience in managing and conserving natural resources.”

Preamble: “Recognizing also the vital role that women play in the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and affirming the need for the full participation of women at all levels of policy-making and implementation for biological diversity conservation,” Convention on Biological Diversity Prologue: “Stressing the important role played by women in regions affected by desertification and/or drought, particularly in rural areas of developing countries, and the importance of ensuring the full participation of both men and women at all levels in programmes to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought.” United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

A Look Ahead to Achieving Agenda Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the Face of Environmental Change

11: :30 Filling in the Blanks: Building the Evidence-base on Gender and Environmental Sustainability Speakers: UNEP – Jacqueline McGlade, Chief Scientist and Director, Division of Early Warning and Assessement – UNEP’s Global Gender and Environment Outlook (GGEO) IUCN – Lorena Aguilar, Senior Gender Advisor – Phase 2 of IUCN’s Environment and Gender Index CIFOR – Amy Duchelle, Scientist – findings from a global comparative study on REDD+ SESSION ONE

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13: :35 Focusing on Results: Bringing Forward Policy Actions and Sharing Experiences from the Field on Gender and Land Rights Speakers: UNCCD – Wagaki Wischnewski, Gender Focal Point - recent global study on the measures to achieve gender equity in drylands areas Fondo Mujeres del Sur – Mariela Puga, Executive Director - key insights of a Peasant Women organization in Argentina on land rights and strategies to address climate change Fondo Acción Urgente –Tatiana Cordero, Executive Director - work on women and el Buen Vivir SESSION TWO

Ensuring women and men have equal rights to access, ownership and control over land and other forms of property is included as a target in three of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere Target 1.4 Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture Target 2.3 Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Target 5a

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SESSION THREE 14: :05 Addressing Climate Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction through a Gender Lens, Perspectives from the Field Speakers: CBD Secretariat – Sakhile Koketso, Programme Officer – Global overview of implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction from a gender perspective CIFOR – Houria Djoudi, Scientist – Research findings on climate adaptation in Mali & Burkina Faso Action Aid Bangladesh, All India Women’s Conference, NAACP, Huairou Commission – project-level experiences from disaster risk reduction initiatives in different parts of the world with links to climate adaptation RETWEET AND SHARE Is adaptation to #climatechange gender neutral? Come to #COP21 to find

“Poverty and inequality shape women’s and men’s vulnerability to disaster and the impacts of climate change, and their capacity to cope and recover in the post-disaster period. Since women and men are affected differently by disaster and climate change, their different vulnerabilities and capacities must be analysed, and their gender-specific concerns and priorities addressed.” ~ Oxfam 2010

During the 1991 cyclone disaster in Bangladesh, 90% of the 14,000 fatalities were women (Ikeda, 1995) Women, boys and girls are more than 14 times more likely than men to die during disasters (Peterson, 2007) The majority of victims in Hurricane Katrina were African- American women and their children, a group likely to be poor, lack health care and earn low wages (Gault et al, 2005; Williams et al, 2006) Statistics on Gender, Disasters and Climate Change (UNDP 2010)


SESSION FOUR 16: :35 Exploring Synergies in the Rio Conventions to Support Achievement of the SDGs Panelists: UNCCD Gender Focal Point - Wagaki Wischnewski UNFCCC Gender Focal Point - Fleur Newman CBD Gender Programme Officer - Tanya McGregor Women's Environment and Development Organization Program (WEDO) Program Director/Head of Office - Eleanor Blomstrom Green Climate Fund, Director, Country Programming Division, Mr. Ousseynou Nakoulima UNDP Policy Specialist - Verania Chao


Le Devoir, Nayla Naoufl, 1/12/ environnement/456704/les-femmes-a-l-avant-plan Les conséquences des changements climatiques sont tributaires du groupe social: « En raison du genre, du statut socio-économique, de l’ethnicité ou de l’âge, certains groupes sont plus vulnérables, notamment parce qu’ils n’ont pas la même capacité d’action et d’adaptation. C’est notamment le cas des femmes. » Annie Rochette- Professeure au Département des sciences juridiques à l’UQAM et responsable de la recherche L’intégration du genre dans la lutte aux changements climatiques au Québec, réalisée en partenariat avec le Réseau des Femmes en Environnement.

« Les femmes sont beaucoup plus affectées que les hommes par ces catastrophes naturelles. » -Annie Rochette Par exemple, la canicule en France en 2003 a ainsi entraîné le décès de 9510 femmes et de 5292 hommes. Le Devoir, Nayla Naoufl, 1/12/ environnement/456704/les-femmes-a-l-avant-plan flickr.comphotos/edson_ac

“Women remain underrepresented in local and high‐ level environmental decision‐making and are underrepresented in the workforce and management of environment‐related institutions” Environment_info.pdf(p..1) UN -The World’s Women 2015

What percentage of women hold management positions in the agricultural sector in Africa?

0e86363b233f2bd2c8dd37574ff90cc86.pdf (p 30-31)

As of December 2014, what is the average share of women who hold senior government minister positions related to the environment in Europe?

fo.pdf ( p. 1)

In developing countries, what percentage of all land owners are women?

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If women had the same access to productive resources as men, how much could they increase yields on their farms?

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This additional yield could reduce the number of undernourished people in the world by: =climate-impacts- people&subtheme=gender

Worldwide about 925 million people are undernourished, with women accounting for a high proportion of the chronically hungry If the gender gap closes in agriculture, how many people could be lifted out of hunger?

/FAO_FinalGender_Policy_2012.pdf ( p.3)