Principals Orient Sun’s relationship to the house. Design should be capable for whole year. Obtain enough heat for night time use. Well sealed. Windows and doors should assist heat. Easy with glazing materials. Don’t oversize the backup system.
Principals cont. Fresh air. (Exterior Fan) Should look like a normal house. Should not be costly than a normal house to operate all year long.
House R25 in the walls and R35 in the roof/ceiling area. Heat storage and Transport tubing should be well installed. Rooms should be properly sealed in order to prevent heat loss.
Solar Cooker
Materials Insulation –Aluminum Foil –Feathers –Fiberglass –Rock Wool –Cellulose –Rice Hulls –Wool Structural –Cardboard –Wood –Cement –Bricks –Stone –Glass –Plastic
References Home2&print=truehttp:// Home2&print=true ?article_id=1280http:// ?article_id=1280