GEOG 1112: Weather and Climate Violent Weather
Midlatitude Cyclone Well-organized low pressure system that migrates across a region as it spins Develops along polar jet as it swings north and south in process called Cyclogenesis Both upper-level and surface conditions drive cyclogenesis Southerly swing of polar jet creates an upper-level trough supporting cyclogenesis
Upper-level convergence pushes down on the surface, creating high pressure Upper-level divergence allows air to rise from surface, creating low pressure Upper-levels and Cyclogenesis
Midlatitude Cyclone
Classic Midlatitude Cyclone L
Midlatitude Cyclone Migration Follows path of polar jet
1) Air mass thunderstorms (ordinary thunderstorms): self- extinguishing; localized short lived phenomena; limited vertical wind shear. Two Types of Thunderstorms
2) Supercell
Supercell (Severe Thunderstorms): self-propagating
Mesoscale Convective Complexes
Squall Line Thunderstorms
Cloud-to-cloud lightning: The most frequent type of lightning Occurs within a particular cloud or between clouds. Also called sheet lightning: the sky is typically uniformly lit while the stroke is buried within the cloud. Cloud-to-ground lightning: Begins when negative charges build in a cloud base. These negative charges are eventually discharge onto the positively charged ground.
Thunder The rapid expansion of air associated with a lightning stroke causes thunder. The slower speed of sound, with reference to light, causes a lag between the stroke and the resulting thunder Rumbling thunder is typically caused by sound echoing off topographic features and buildings
Tornadoes Small, intense cyclone Spawned by severe supercell thunderstorms Most destructive atmospheric phenomenon Mesocyclone within the supercell Gravity Waves Rated on Enhanced Fujita Scale EF0 (40-72 mph) – EF6 ( mph) Tornado rotation detected by Doppler radar
Formation of a Tornado Updrafts
Tropical Cyclone Called hurricane (Atlantic & NE Pacific), typhoon (NW Pacific) or cyclone (SW Pacific & Indian) First Easterly Wave – trough in tropical easterlies May become Tropical Depression – rotation starts Next Tropical Storm – sustained winds over 39 mph Finally, Hurricane – sustained winds over 73 mph
Tropical Cyclone Strength Storm Surge #1 cause of death and damage in tropical cyclones Debate : recent increase in severe tropical cyclones – Is it global warming or a natural cycle?
Atlantic Hurricanes Official season June 1-Nov 30 Peak season Mid-Aug – Mid-Oct Hurricane tracks
Conditions Necessary for Hurricane Formation Hurricanes form only over deep water layers with surface temperatures in excess of 27 o C (81 o F) Coriolis force is an important contributor, and as such, hurricanes do not form equatorward of 5 o latitude Strong vertical shear must be absent
Tropical Cyclone Structure
Destruction by Hurricanes Winds and surge are typically most intense in the right front quadrant of the storm. Why? Combination of wind speeds and the speed of the storm’s movement.