“Ram Pride” JROTC Battalion September 2015 Newsletter
Message from the Battalion Commander CADET MAJOR THOMAS JOSEPH It has been a great first month. All of you look sharp and good in uniform. Our next major event is Veterans Day Assembly. It may seem far away, but it actually isn’t. Make sure you are on your best behavior on Veterans Day. I have no doubt you will be. Also make sure your uniform is looking nice, and that it is dry cleaned. After Veterans day in our Unit inspection. THIS IS A BIG DEAL. Make sure you are studying the sheets that your commanders gave you, because they are more important than you realize! I hope you have had a great first month, and I hope you continue to have fun in JROTC throughout the year.
Message from the Battalion CSM CADET CSM JADE MATTISON Hello cadets it’s a new month and I’m glad to see y’all having fun this year. I see that most of you have really good grade and I’m glad to see that and I hope to see y’all strive for better. If you need a tutor do not be afraid to ask for one. You are all capable for great things in JROTC. I’m proud of all of you and don’t let me down. Keep up the good work. -CSM
9/11 Color Guard Friday, September 11 th Tyler Lanier, Cody Hall, Brendon Moats, Jacob Brookshire, and Brian Jones performed a Color Guard at the Westside football game. Westside also honored all military veterans that attended the game
Landrum Raider Meet Westside raider team went to Landrum high school and competed against nine other schools even though we didn’t win this time, they gave it there all and learn what it takes to defeat a very difficult course
Homecoming Honor Guard / Color Guard The Color Guard and Honor Guard worked hard and did their very best to achieve success and look good at he Homecoming game
Upcoming Events September 25 th - Westside Homecoming Game(Honor/Color Guard) October 10 th - Raider Meet at Greenwood HS October 17 th - Raider Meet at Dorman HS October 17 th - Drill Meet at Dorman HS October 23 rd - Color Guard at Westside Football November 6 th - Color Guard at Westside Football November 8 th - Veterans Day Parade at Downtown Anderson November 10 th - Veterans Day Assembly at WSH November 14 th - Raider Meet at JL Mann HS December 4 th - Westside Christmas Assembly at WSH December 6 th - Christmas Parade at Downtown Anderson December 12 th - Westside JROTC Military Ball at TL Hanna
JROTC Cadet Creed I am a Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school and Corps of Cadets. I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America. I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds. I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism. I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body. I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the constitution and the American way of life. May God grant me the strength to always live by this Creed.