Welcome to Ms. Snelling’s Classroom You are in English 1-2. Welcome to High School!
Am I in the right room? Room 2020 Text Ms. Snelling English 9th Grade
3 Who are you Lady?
Will this teacher treat me fairly?Yes,Always!
Some things we will read this year
How will you be graded? Participation Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Portfolios, Essays Homework, Graded Classwork Bellwork, discussions, Ticket-out- the-door, attendance
This is a Learning Zone!
What will I need? 1) 1-1&1/2 WHITE binder with see-through cover insert-$3.49 4) Blue or Black pen + 2 or more different colored pens- $2.49 Highlighters will be helpful!- $2.39 2) Binder Dividers: Class Notes, Bellwork, Grammar & Vocab, Annotated Texts, Graded Tests and Quizzes (5)- $1.79 3) Loose-leaf paper for your binder $0.49 = $12.65 Walmart will have these items for even cheaper!
Ms. Snelling’s Classroom Contract Guidelines Procedures
Guideline #1 Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned bellwork when the final bell rings.
Guideline #2 Bring ALL books and materials to class. Your class binder MUST remain in the classroom.
Guideline #3 Follow directions the first time they are given.
Guideline #4 Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity.
Guideline #5 Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the PUHSD and Trevor G. Browne High School’s handbooks.
Infraction Notice
Guideline Infraction Notice Read it Sign it Keep it until the end of class
Following Guidelines will result in.. Verbal acknowledgement A stress-free environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere And *Gasp* LEARNING
Not Following Guidelines will result in... 1 st –W–Warning and documentation 2 nd –A–Action Plan, Parental Contact, and Lunch Detention 3 rd –D–Disciplinary Referral
Ms. Snelling’s Action Plan What’s the problem? 2. What’s causing the problem? (Please list the factors) 3. What plan will you use to solve the problem? ________________ Date _____________________________________________ Student’s SignatureParent/Guardian Signature
Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be given a referral and sent to The Dean IMMEDIATELY.
Entering the Room Please enter quietly. Sit in your assigned seat. Take out your materials. Review the daily agenda. Begin bellwork assignment.
When you are tardy... The door will be closed. Knock 3 times and wait for me to let you in Enter quietly If you have a pass, place it on my desk Tardy students will not receive Bellwork points for that day (50 points a week). More than 5 tardies will result in a lunch detention.
Getting Your Attention I will... Stand in front of the class. Raise my hand Wait for everyone to be quiet. Begin speaking.
Paper Heading MLA Format Place on all assignments
26 Jane Doe Ms. Snelling English 1-2: 2nd period August 6, 2013 MLA Paper Heading Original Title here
27 What if I forget my homework? You will have to fill out a “Pink- slip Card” and turn it in to the assignment bin the day the assignment was due. You have till friday to turn the assignment in for 75% of your original grade. After Friday, it will be worth 50% of the original grade. At the end of the term, the assignments will no longer be accepted for credit.
Pink-Slip Card This is for students who do not have the assigned homework. Fill it out. Sign and date it. Turn it in to the assignment bin
Date: _____________________________ Printed Name:_______________________ Class Section:_______________________ You’ve been Pink-Slipped! Completing your homework or assignment is your responsibility as a student. Missing Assignment: ____________________________________________ I do not have my homework today because: _____ I did the assigned homework, but I did not bring it to class. _____ I chose not to do my homework. _____ I forgot to do my homework. _____ I did not have the appropriate materials at home. _____ Other—please explain below. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Signature _______________________________________
Finish Classwork Early “What do I do next?”
Activities Work on unfinished English assignments. Organize your class binder Read your “choice” novel. Work on your literature response. Start working on tonight’s homework.
So you were absent? Look at the weekly agenda Copy the homework. Retrieve any handouts from the handout file. Make-up tests and quizzes: After school or by appointment.
Turning in Papers Place your paper on the desk next to you. –R–Right side If/When you receive a paper, place yours on top and continue passing the stack to your right. I will come by and collect all stacks. When in groups of four, stack group papers in center of table and I will come by and collect it
Classroom Discussions PLEASE participate. I want to hear what you have to say. Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion. If your question is off the topic, write it down and ask later.
Moving around the classroom You must ask permission. Do not ask during a classroom discussion unless it is an emergency.
36 I have to go to the bathroom! Do not say a word. Raise 3 fingers signaling you have to use the restroom. Wait for me to acknowledge you. Sign out Take the bathroom pass One person out at a time Excessive abuse of going to the bathroom will result in bathroom privileges revoked
Scheduled Check Out Please let me know as you enter the classroom. –I will be at the door. Quietly raise your hand to get my attention. Pack your materials and leave at the scheduled time. If it is an emergency, quickly get my attention and I will assist you.
Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Do not start packing up prior to the bell. Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with “Have a nice day! ”
“Special” Procedures These will be introduced on an “as needed” basis. Library/Media Center Special guests Progress Reports Working Cooperatively Fire Drill Intercom Announcements Assemblies Substitute Teacher
Let’s have an awesome year together!” – Ms. Snelling “I know that each one of you has the potential to succeed as long as you try your hardest and believe in yourself.