Web Sketch Time 20 Minutes 1. You have 20 Minutes to finish or improve your website sketch. 2. Make sure you have followed the structure on the handout. 3. Make sure all of your information is factual. 4. Make sure that if I read your website I would actually want to go live in your city! If you are finished you may start work on homework for this class, homework for other classes, or silent reading. You may not be loud and/or walk around and distract other people.
Web Surfing/Voting 1. Make sure there is a number post-it on your table. 2. Take out a piece of paper. 3. Number your paper from Take out something to write on (binder, notebook, etc.) 5. We will be web surfing the other city’s websites. 6. You will have 30 seconds for each one to look it over (go from 1-2, 2-3, and so on (last one to first one)) 7. After looking at each one give it a score 1-10, 10 being that you absolutely want to live there, 1 not so much. 8. Jot down a few notes of why you like it so much... or not so much. 9. Websites that don’t meet the requirements don’t qualify to compete.
Study Guide Questions 5, 6 5 Minutes Share with the people in your section (stay in your seats) to get the answers to questions 5 and 6 on the Study Guide. Make sure to write them down.
Chapter 4, Section 2 Key Terms/People 10 Minutes 1. You have 10 minutes to complete your Chapter 4, Section 2 Key Terms and People. 2. They are available on page 79 Holt (Blue Book) 3. If you are finished you may start work on homework for this class, homework for other classes, or silent reading. 4. You may not be loud and/or walk around and distract other people.
Seating Change 2 Minutes Put new seating chart here :)
Chapter 4, Section 2 Questions 20 Minutes (10 answers/10 group share) 1. You will be working in groups of three to answer Study Guide Questions for section 2 (minus 7, 11, and 14). 2. Each person will take 2-3 questions to answer (10 Minutes) 3. Then you will share your answers and get them down on your study guides (10 Minutes). 4. If you think the person got the wrong answer I recommend looking it up for yourself to check.
Mapping the Empires 10 Minutes 1. Pick a partner from your immediate neighbors (immediately behind, immediately in front, just to the left, or just to the right of you) 2. Use three different colors (one per empire) to color the area of each empire. 3. Make sure to make a key showing which empire is which color, and what years they ruled.