Welcome to Physical Science! Ms. Anderson
I graduated from Stockton College with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Science. I then received my teaching certification in Biological Sciences from William Paterson University. Currently I am enrolled in a Masters Program at William Paterson for Students with Disabilities. I am a huge sports fan. I played softball in college and I have coached high school soccer and lacrosse. About me…
Realtime: Attendance taken in real time each period. Parents can receive progress reports, grades, etc. Parents should access student grades throughout the marking period. I update my gradebook daily (class participation and mini assignments)/weekly (large projects, labs, tests). Important Web Info
Tests/Quizzes: Will always be announced. Student Notebook/Binder: This will be the majority of your child’s grade. I have worked very hard over the summer and have been in constant contact with the other special education teacher, Ms. Cheryl De Simone and science coordinator Kent Bania to develop a new learning technique, and long term assignment for the students this year. This notebook/learning cycle is geared to promote organizational skills, increased rigor in the classroom, and will allow students to take pride and a sense of individualism in their work. Labs/ Projects:/Handed in Assignments Labs and projects must be handed in on time. For every day late, 10% of the points will be deducted. Extra Credit: When a student gets 10 journal entries they can show me and get up to 10% extra credit on an assignment. It is the students responsibility to keep track of their journal entries. Homework: Homework will be given 1-2 times a week and must be completed BEFORE entering class to receive full credit. Class Participation: Class participation includes participating and being prepared for class, attendance, getting to class on time, behavior in class, and your willingness to learn. Points will be deducted for repeated tardiness, lack of preparation, etc. Cheating/Plagiarism = no credit for the assignment. Grading Policy
Tests/Quizzes – 1 day for each day absent Labs – 1 week from the day you return Homework – 1 day for each day absent I am flexible- if your child has extenuating circumstances please encourage them to speak to me. I will work with them to make up the missing work. Makeup Policy
I have office hours: Wednesday or Thursday 2:45- 3:30; EVERY or by appointment. If you need additional time on a test, quiz, assignment or project please come and see me. I check my once a night for student questions on upcoming assignments and projects. Extra Help/ Additional Time