KINLOCH PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL Social Studies Department 2015-2016-RULES & PROCEDURES KINLOCH PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL Social Studies Department World & U.S. History Mr. M. Castineira
CLASS RULES Respect ALL people and property. Be in your seat, quiet, and ready to work when the bell rings. The teacher will dismiss the class at the end of the period; NOT THE BELL. Raise your hand if you wish to speak or answer a question. Be courteous and wait your turn, Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. NO food, drinks, gum, make-up, etc. are permitted in class. These items will be confiscated. The use of cell or smartphones is strictly PROHIBITED except when used with teacher permission and for the sole purpose of class instruction. Be prepared for class EVERYDAY!! (materials, planner, homework etc.)
CONSEQUENCES FOR VIOLATIONS 1st Violation- A verbal or non-verbal warning. 2nd Violation- Teacher/student conference; a second verbal warning. 3rd Violation- Conduct cut to a “C”. 4th Violation- Parent contact 5th Violation- Detention; conduct cut to a “D”. 6th Violation- Second detention 7th Violation- Refer to Counselor. 8th Violation- Administrative referral/Indoor suspension; conduct cut to an “F”. Note: The teacher reserves the right to skip 1 or more steps and/or use other disciplinary consequences depending on the severity of the infraction.
DETENTION INFORMATION Students have five (5) days to serve a detention. Detentions are held Monday-Thursday ONLY; from 7:25-7:55 a.m. Three (3) unserved detentions will result in an administrative referral.
TARDY POLICY Students are expected to be on time to school and to each class. ALL tardiness is considered unexcused unless the student has a yellow hall pass or office pass. 1-2 tardies- A verbal warning; no change in conduct. 3 tardies- Parent contact AND drop 1 letter grade in conduct 4 tardies- Detention AND drop 2 letter grades in conduct 5 tardies- Referral to counselor AND drop 3 letter grades in conduct
MATERIALS & SUPPLIES a 3-ring binder with pockets 2 packs of paper (250 sheets each pack) a pack of dividers (at least 5 dividers) a journal or composition book a pack of pens (blue or black ink ONLY) a pack of RED pens tracing paper a flash or jump drive earplugs
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES ALL papers MUST have the following heading in the UPPER, RIGHT- HAND CORNER margin. Papers with improper or missing headings WILL NOT be accepted. FIRST-LAST NAME DATE PERIOD # 2. All assignments are to be done in BLUE or BLACK ink unless told otherwise. Assignments done in pencil or RED ink WILL NOT be accepted. 3. Missing assignments will receive a zero “0” at the end of the grading period. Late assignments will only be accepted at teacher’s discretion. 4. If a student is absent, s/he must make-up the work missed within a reasonable amount of time. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ASK FOR AND GET THE MAKE- UP WORK!!! 5. Clean up your area before you leave. Throw away paper when you are dismissed and leave the room. THE TEACHER WILL DISMISS THE CLASS; NOT THE BELL!!!!!!!!!
HOME LEARNING / HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS No Homework? Not really. If a student was not assigned a specific written homework assignment, then he/she should complete at least 30 min. of the following at home every day: • Read! (a book, magazine, newspaper article, or library book about history or current events) • Study, reread a chapter/notes • Work on any assigned online program. Need homework help?... Dial-a-Teacher! Free Homework help: Monday-Thursday, 5PM-8PM 305-995-1600 (Language Arts/Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies) Bilingual Assistance (ayuda en Espanol)
STUDENT AGENDAS / PLANNERS Students will receive agendas/planners for the purpose of writing down homework, remember important due dates, and staying organized...USE THEM!! Parents can also use them as a communication tool with teachers as well.
GRADING POLICY SCALE: GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA): ASSIGNMENT VALUE: A= 90%-100% 3.50 - 4.00 Homework (1 grade) B= 80%-89% 2.50 - 3.49 Notebook/Classwork (2 grades) C= 70%- 79% 1.50 - 2.49 Quizzes/Tests (3 grades) D= 60%- 69% 1.00 - 1.49 Projects (5 grades) F= 50% - 59% 0.00 - .99 Z= zero 0% (same as 2 F’s)
TECHNOLOGY CONTRACT Students... WILL use classroom devices with care and respect for school property. If a device is damaged or becomes damaged while being used, the student will notify the teacher IMMEDIATELY. WILL only use the device that is assigned to them. WILL NOT play physically with the device (ex: twirling or spinning the cords). WILL NOT change the settings on any device. WILL NOT download or install any apps or games.
Technology Contract- con.’d 6. WILL NOT use devices to play games, surf the web, text, or use unauthorized applications. 7. WILL NOT use device to harass, cyber-bully or send offensive messages; even if it is intended as a joke. In addition, students will adopt a ZERO TOLERANCE policy and will not stand for or condone (allow) these actions by ANY classmate; and will report it immediately. 8. WILL NOT use their own devices except with the teacher’s permission (for educational purposes) AND ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for them. 9. WILL NOT remove stickers or tabs that identify the device. 10. WILL NOT switch accessories (mouse, keyboard, etc.) between computers.
CONSEQUENCES FOR VIOLATIONS: 1st Violation- A verbal warning AND conduct cut to a “C” 2nd Violation- Parent contact AND lose technology privileges for the day. 3rd Violation- Detention, parent contact, conduct cut to a “D” 4th Violation- Administrative referral, parent contact, loss of technology privileges for the year.