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K-5 Series Kick-Off October 24, 2014
The Purpose To provide Wayne County teachers Access to some of the leading experts in the field of writing instruction Opportunities to dialogue about effective writing instruction Time to reflect on current practices and alignment to common core
Guiding Questions What is best practice in writing instruction? How will this learning impact my own professional practice and the learning of my students? How will I share this information with my district colleagues? What needs to be done to further align practice with Common Core Writing Standards?
Expert Presentations During the presentations please Consider the guiding questions Take notes Pose questions Reflect on how the information may be used to enhance student learning in your classroom and across your district
Ann Marie Corgill Writing Workshop: Classroom Structures / Routines October 24, 2014
Stephanie Harvey Purposeful talk and collaboration for deeper thinking in the writing process November 12, 2014
Carl Anderson Conferring and Assessing Writing December 3-4, 2014
Linda Hoyt Strategies for teaching informational and opinion writing February 12-13, 2015
Jeff Anderson Merging craft with grammar and editing February 24, 2015
Lester Laminack Using mentor texts as models for effective writing February 26, 2015
Building a Community of Independent Writers Writing workshop / Routines Conferring / Assessing writing Using mentor texts as models for effective writing Strategies for teaching informational and opinion writing Purposeful talk and collaboration for deeper thinking in the writing process
Study Sessions Come prepared to share your thoughts about the instructional implications from the expert presentations and the professional reading Please bring: Your binder Writer’s notebook Professional books
Homework K-2: Of Primary Importance: What’s Essential in Teaching Young Writers Please read chapters 1,2,3,4,5 3-5: The Writing Workshop: Working Through the Hard Parts (And They’re All Hard Parts) Please read chapters 1,2,3,7,8,9