Top 10 LCAP LCAP 101 Siskiyou County Office of Education
Number 10: West Ed Videos
West Ed Videos
West Ed Videos
Number 9: Know the Template-Doc Tracking
Know the Lay of the Land Take time to review the LCAP templateTake time to review the LCAP template Find Section 1, 2, 3, Annual UpdateFind Section 1, 2, 3, Annual Update What do you notice?What do you notice? Take four sticky notes and write down what you noticed for each section.Take four sticky notes and write down what you noticed for each section. Be prepared to share.Be prepared to share.
Document Tracking Services
Number 8: 8 State Priorities and Metrics
8 State Priorities Conditions of Learning Basic Services Implementation of Standards Course Access Pupil Outcomes Student Achievement Student Engagement Engagement Parent Involvement Student Engagement School Climate
Expected Annual Measurable Outcomes Student Achievement-CAASPP, CELDT, Local Assessments, Interims Parent Engagement-Surveys, School Events Implementation of Standards-Quarterly Williams Reports, Professional Learning, Teacher Lessons, Instructional Rounds Basic Services-Facilities, instructional materials, credentialed teachers
Expected Measurable Outcomes Continued Other Student Outcomes-performances, other school initiatives Student Access-Review base services see Ed Code School Climate- Expulsion rates, suspension rates, PBIS, surveys Student Engagement-Absence rate, chronic absenteeism, graduation rate, drop out rate
Number 7: Understand Your Resources
Live Binder
Number 6: Annual Update
Number 5: Section 1
Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement
Number 4: Section 2
Section 2: Goals, Actions, Services, Identified Needs, Metrics, State Priorities, Subgroups, Expenditures
Number 3: Section 3a and b
Section 3a and 3b: Supplemental and Concentration Funds
Number 2: Budget
Budget Become best friends with your budget technician Michelle, Sharlet, Kristin, or other district business personnel Don’t be afraid to ask questions First and second interim budget meetings will provide you with information for the LCAP Annual Update Ensure payroll spreadsheet is accurate Come prepared to Spring budget meeting Have your LCAP complete by April Ensure payroll spreadsheet is accurate
Partner Talk 1. Take 5 minutes to look at your LCAP 2. Then trade and review your neighbor's LCAP 3.I want.., I wonder.., I wish….
Number 1: Approval Process and Ed Code
The Law Requires: LCAP must demonstrate how services are being provided to meet the needs of unduplicated pupils in each category and improve performance of all pupils in the state priority areas. LCAP must be consistent with school plans (Ed Code Sec ) The Three Year Outlook to be updated annually.
ADHERE TO TEIMPLATE Identify goals based on 8 state priorities for all students Include significant subgroups STUDENT OUTCOMES Establish goals and actions BUDGET Expenditures shall align to budget Review of Local Control Accountability Plan
District LCAP Approval Process 1st Approved by District Accountability Committee Sent to Board for approval 2nd Public Hearing of LCAP and budget to solicit recommendations from public 3rd Board meeting to approve the LCAP and budget. (Budget may not be approved before the LCAP. LCAP will be listed first on the agenda with the budget to follow.) 4 th Send to County Office of Education no later than 5 days from adoption
County LCAP Approval Process 1st Program and business start the review process as soon as LCAPs are received 2nd Business tics and ties LCAP expenditures to budget Program reviews based on check-off list 3rd Informal correspondence ( , one-on-one appointments and phone calls) occurs between the county and the district to 4 th August 15th -Formal correspondence to School Board for needed corrections 15 day cycle begins 5 th October 8 th -Approval, conditional approval or not approved formal letter sent letter to School Board
ED CODE and LCAP Spending Requirements
Time for Questions Don't be afraid to ask for assistance