Spiritual Life & Disciplines Part 2 – The Basis of a Believer’s Spiritual Life
The Basis of a Believer’s Spiritual Life – Romans 6 The basis of a believer’s spiritual life is his union with Christ. It is only because of Christ that a believer can grow in his relationship with God and in his conformity to God.
A Believer’s Union with Christ Means that He Has a: 1.New Identity – Believers are “in Christ” (vv. 3-4)
The longer people struggle with problems, the more likely they are to let the problem define their identity. Yet the Bible’s view of identity problems is both HARDER to hear and yet more HOPEFUL than what the world says. It is harder in that the Bible goes further than simply defining people by the problems they have. Someone who lies, is a liar; one who commits adultery, is an adulterer. Yet there true identity is that of a sinner, a rebel, a child of wrath. And you won’t find any worldly self-esteem talks in Scripture: “you’re not that bad,” “love yourself,” “esteem yourself.” Nor will you find any lowering of the biblical standard: “what you did wasn’t that bad.” “Your not really a rebel.” What you do find is a Savior. And you can come to Him, die to self, and find a new identity in His perfect righteousness.
There is a radical difference between saying, ‘I am a depressed person,’ and saying, ‘I am a child of God ‘in Christ’ and I tend to struggle with depression.’ The second statement does not pretend that the war isn’t raging, but it is infused with hope. It says, ‘Yes, I wrestle with depression every day, but I am not alone. I do not rest on my own strength and wisdom. I have come to understand that my Creator and Savior is also my Father. I am beginning to grasp how rich I really am because of my place in his family, and I am learning to live out of the riches he has provided, rather than the poverty of the identities I used to assign myself.’ It is never a waste of time to remind people of who they are in Christ. Doing so stimulates hope, courage, and faith. – Paul Tripp - Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands,
A Believer’s Union with Christ Means that He Has a: 1.New Identity – Believers are “in Christ” (vv. 3-4) 2.New Ability – Believers don’t have to sin (vv. 5-10) In Christ, the power of sin has been broken
A Believer’s Union with Christ Means that He Has a: 3.New Practice – Believer’s should use their capacities for righteousness, not sin (vv ) The “ought tos” depend on the “have beens” Our Practice depends on our Position Imperatives depend on Indicatives Our Present Walk depends on the Past Fact of our conversion
A Believer’s Union with Christ Means that He Has a: 4.New Position – Believers are not under law, but under grace (v. 14) “under grace” does not mean we are free to live anyway we want – v. 18 – slaves to righteousness – and v. 22 – enslaved to God – UNDER GRACE means we are IN CHRIST – the law has been fulfilled in Christ – we have died to the law in Him – we live in newness of life – new creatures – with His Spirit – joyfully and by HIS SUFFICIENT grace – we serve and worship him with our lives – this is our glorious POSITION as a believer
A Believer’s Union with Christ Means that He Has a: 4.New Growth – Believers will progressively grow in holiness (vv ) Though the power of sin is broken, the presence of sin is not. You can be free from the slavery of sin and still live like a slave to it. The daily battle comes down to which desires you obey: sinful desires? Or the Word of God?
Do you mortify; do you make it your daily work; be always at it whilst you live; cease not a day from this work; be killing sin, or it will be killing you. Your being dead with Christ virtually, your being quickened with him, will not excuse you from this work – John Owen, The Mortification of Sin, 26. In the believer’s life, change is not “zapped” the moment he is saved. A person doesn’t trust in Christ and instantly be completely transformed overnight. Instead, change and growth in holiness are PROGRESSIVE. It comes as a result of daily presenting oneself to God, not obeying sinful desires but instead obeying God’s Word and using our members for righteousness.
Let not that man think he makes any progress in holiness, who walks not over the neck of his lusts – John Owen, The Mortification of Sin, 34. Why don’t genuine believers grow?
A Believer’s Union with Christ Means that He Has a: 4.New Future – Believers will inherit eternal life (vv )