The Humanistic Perspective
1. Explain Maslow’s idea of self- actualization. 2.Describe Carl Rogers view of human behavior and personality.
Humanistic psychology A strong reaction to both behaviorism and psychodynamics We make conscious decisions about the direction of our lives We look forward, not controlled by a past history of reinforcement/punishment or repressed trauma Discards the limits of behaviorism – no experiments Denies the negativity of psychodynamics – we are, at our core, good and striving to get better Focuses on our natural progress towards fully developing our potential
Humanistic Theory Humanistic personality theories reject psychoanalytic notions –Humanistic theories view each person as basically good and that people are striving for self-fulfillment –Humanistic theory argues that people carry a perception of themselves and of the world –The goal for a humanist is to develop/promote a positive self-concept
Humanistic Psychology In the 1960’s people became sick of Freud’s negativity and trait psychology’s objectivity. Along came psychologists who wanted to focus on “healthy” people and how to help them strive to “be all that they can be”.
Abraham Maslow’s Self Actualizing Person Hierarchy of Needs Ultimately seek self- actualization (the process of fulfilling our potential). Maslow developed his ideas by studying what he termed “healthy people”.
Who did Maslow study? What it takes To perceive reality accurately To be independent & creative To solve problems To accept yourself To have a sense of humor To enjoy life
Self-Actualized People They share certain characteristics: They are self aware and self accepting Open and spontaneous Loving and caring Not paralyzed by others’ opinions. They are secure in who they are.
Self-Actualized People Problem centered rather than self-centered. Focused their energies on a particular task. Few deep relationships, rather than many superficial ones.
How would you know? Peak experiences – moments when you feel truly fulfilled, content and at peace Your powers and abilities come together in an intensely enjoyable way “Flow experiences”
Self-Actualization These are the qualities that make up a mature adult. These people have found their calling in life. Is this a goal worth striving for?
Carl Rogers’s Person-Centered Perspective People are basically GOOD. We are like Acorns Need Water, Sun and Nutrients to Grow into a big Oak Tree. We need genuineness, acceptance and empathy for us to grow.
Genuineness Being open with your own feelings. Dropping your facade. Being transparent and self-disclosing.
Acceptance Unconditional Positive Regard: An attitude of acceptance regardless of circumstances. Accepting yourself or others completely.
Empathy Listening, sharing, understanding and mirroring feelings and reflecting their meanings. Preschool study
Self-Concept Both Rogers and Maslow believed that your self-concept is at the center of your personality. If our self concept is positive…. We tend to act and perceive the world positively. If our self-concept is negative…. We fall short of our “ideal self” and feel dissatisfied and unhappy
Self-Concept All of thoughts and feelings about ourselves trying to answer the question…. WHO AM I?
Possible Selves What are your possible selves? ?
How does a Humanistic psychologist test your personality? You would be asked to fill out a questionnaire asking to describe yourself both as you would ideally like to be and what you actually are. When the ideal self and the way you currently see yourself are alike- you are generally happy. How do psychoanalytic and trait assess?
Self-Esteem One’s feelings of high or low self- worth.
Do minorities have lower self- esteem? NOT REALLY They value the things which they excel. They attribute problems to prejudice. They compare themselves to their own group.
Self-Serving Bias A readiness to perceive oneself favorable. People accept more responsibility for successes than failures. Most people see themselves as better than average.
Does culture play a part in our personality (according to humanistic psychologists)? Individualism: giving priority to one’s own goals over group goals. Defining your identity in terms of yourself. Collectivism: giving priority to the goals of a group and defining your identity as part of that group. Is individualism really better?
Humanistic Theory of Personality Do not believe in Determinism (your actions are dictated by your past). They believe that humans have free will (our ability to choose your own destiny). We are innately good and as long as our self-esteem and self- concept are positive we will be happy.