Assurance of Programmable Logic Devices NASA Glenn Research Center Kalynnda Berens, SAIC Coursework: Jacqueline Somos, SAIC
Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS The Problems: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are “programmed” by engineers, often without Software Assurance oversight. PLCs are used in Wind Tunnels and other facilities Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) are hybrids PLDs (FPGA, ASIC, etc.) are used in ground and flight systems PLDs are similar to software, with many of the same problems PL devices are ultimately “hardware”, but programmed like software. Current assurance activities may not be adequate for the complexity of these devices.
Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS Our approach Year 1: Distribute surveys to determine where and how Programmable Logic is used at NASA and how it is being assured. Year 2: Document practices outside of NASA for assuring Programmable Logic. Compare the assurance practices of NASA with those of other industries (especially high risk industries such as nuclear and medical). Issue Paper Year 3: Present best industry practices in the form of a series of courses and in a guidebook.
Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS Importance and Benefits Awareness Where PLDs and PLCs are used Current assurance activities Comparison NASA practices with high risk industry practices Will new practices improve safety? PLCs and PLDs for software assurance personnel Process assurance for hardware QA TRAINING
Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS Relevance to NASA PLCs and PLDs are widely used at NASA Flight equipment for Shuttle and Station Small satellite technology development Centrifuge Control Wind tunnel Future trends indicate that PLDs will be used more often and in more complex applications. May replace software in some systems Complexity means testing is not enough! Can NASA Software Assurance personnel adequately verify PLCs and PLDs? Can NASA Quality Assurance personnel?
Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS Accomplishments Survey of NASA usage and assurance for PLCs and PLDs Industry/military/government Best Practices Issue Paper – summary and recommendations PLCs for SA course almost complete
Mission Success Starts With Safety SAS Next Steps Create PLD and Process Assurance courses Evaluate/Review courses We’re looking for interested reviewers Come see the demo! Submit courses to SOLAR Publish information in a guidebook format