Welcome to CPSC 206 Structured Programming in C
Instructor: Yu Chen Office:H.R. Bright Room 419 D Office Phone: Office Hours:TR 2-3PM other times by appointment Lecture:TR 08:00-09:15 AM, HRBB 124 Website URL: CPSC206.htm
In today’s lecture: Course Description Lecture Topics Class Policy Getting Started Scholastic Dishonesty Assignments Examinations Grade Policy Vote
Course Description CPSC206: Structured Programming in C Basically, we need to write a set of instructions. By following this set of instructions, a computer can perform a desired task. How to use a computer to perform the task?
Course Description Which language should be used to write the instructions? Programming Language Programming Language: Language with which we can communicate with the computer. Programming We call the process of specifying steps for a computer to perform a desired task as Programming. —— CPSC206: Structured Programming in C
7 Course Description To write instructions using C for the computer to perform a desired task. Required text:C by Dissection Required text: A. Kelly and C. Pohl, C by Dissection, 4th Ed., Benjamin Cummings, —— CPSC206: Structured Programming in C Language features of C Programming techniques Methods of documentation Solution development for desired task
Lecture Topics: 0. Introduction to Computer Science 1. Overview of CCh 1, 2 2. Flow of control and functionsCh 3, 4 3. Character processing & fundamental data typesCh 5, 6 4. File I/O Ch Pointers, Arrays, and StringsCh 8, 9, Structures, and linked listsCh 12 Features of C: 7. Enumeration type and storage classesCh 7, 8 8. RecursionCh 11
Class Policy —Scholastic Dishonesty NOT Scholastic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated. Assignments: Working together on assignments can be a meaningful learning experience, individual BUT the final product submitted must be the work of the individual student submitting the material. NOT Examinations: Offering to, or receiving any assistance from, a student will NOT be tolerated. Any identified incident of scholastic dishonesty will be dealt with severely.
Class Policy — Assignment All assignments will be announced in class and posted on the course web page. Late Turn-in Policy: in advance If you cannot turn in an assignment on time, discuss the situation in advance with the instructor. Assignments should be submitted on or before the due day. Assignment grades will lose 10% for each day late, up to a maximum loss of 100% (i.e., 10 days late)
Class Policy — Assignment DO NOT DO NOT copy other’s assignment! Otherwise, the grade = (-3) * the original grade. For example: Bob gets a grade 99 for Assignment 4, but he is caught copying other’s assignment. Thus his grade for Assignment 4 is (-3) * 99 = -297
If Bob did not submit the assignment Total scores: = Average score:439/6=73.16 Class Policy — Assignment Assume Bob’s grades for other five assignments are: 98, 87, 67, 99, 88 Then his final grade for the assignments is 142 Total scores: = Average score: 142/6=23.67 It is worse than receiving a zero grade
Class Policy — Examinations 3 midterm exams There will be a exam review session before each midterm exam. The schedule will be announced one week ahead in class. 1 comprehensive final exam Any student caught cheating on exam will receive a failing grade.
Class Policy — Final Grade Grade of Assignments grade of assignments = (Assign1 + Assign 2+ ……+Assign k) / k
Class Policy — Final Grade Grade of Examinations: sum_mid = midterm 1+ midterm 2 + midterm 3; min_mid= min { Midterm 1, Midterm 2, Midterm 3 }; If (min_mid <= Final) then grade_of_exam = (sum_mid-min_mid+2*Final)/4; else grade_of_exam = (sum_mid +Final)/4; Policy 1:
Class Policy — Final Grade Grade of Examinations: grade_of_exam = (midterm 1+ midterm 2 + midterm3+Final)/4; Policy 2: Vote: Policy 1 or Policy 2?
Class Policy — Final Grade Final grade: 30%*grade of assignment + 70%*grade of exam Final grades will be assigned as follows: A 80-89B 70-79C 60-69D below 60F The grade cutoffs might be lowered to accommodate the actual distribution of grades.
Getting Started Get an account from Computer Science department. HRBB 210
Getting Started Most of the assignments will be done on Unix. How to connect to a Unix machine from a Windows machine? Basic Unix commands. How to edit a file on a Unix machine? How to turn in an assignment?
Getting Started — Connect to Unix Connect to a Unix machine using PuTTY. Follow the instructions of part (b) to connect to i nteractive.cs.tamu.edu
Getting Started — Basic Unix A useful website provided by helpdesk Unix is case-sensitive. Basic Commands: cd dirname: Change directory pwd: Tells you which directory you are currently browsing ls: Lists your files mkdir dirname: Creates a directory vi filename: Edits a file cp file1 file2: Copies a file exit: Ends your SSH session
Getting Started — Unix-based Editor Two commonly used editors are Pico: Vi:
Getting Started — Turnin turnin Assignments will be turned in via turnin command turnin classid filelist classid is course_number-section-number filelist is a space separated list of files to be turned in. Example turnin demo1 You can check whether the file is correctly turned in by turnin –c classid Example turnin –c