Hall D Online Meeting 9 August 2007 Fast Electronics R. Chris Cuevas Group Leader Jefferson Lab Experimental Nuclear Physics Division Mission Who’s Who.


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Presentation transcript:

Hall D Online Meeting 9 August 2007 Fast Electronics R. Chris Cuevas Group Leader Jefferson Lab Experimental Nuclear Physics Division Mission Who’s Who Design & Support Role Project Examples ‘Online’ Role

Mission The Fast Electronics Group provides the expertise and facilities necessary for the design and development of fast analog and digital electronics required for the experimental programs, and assures that the custom electronics hardware developed and installed for the experiment areas are supported with expertise in field diagnosis, repair, and calibration ability.

Experimental Nuclear Physics Division Fast Electronics Group Fernando Barbosa Staff Engineer III Hai Dong Staff Engineer II Tanest Chinwanawich Staff Engineer II Ben Raydo Staff Engineer II Jeff Wilson Technical Associate Mark Taylor Technical Associate William Gunning Senior Technologist Armen Stepanyan Electronics Technician II Chris Cuevas Group Leader

‘Custom’ electronics designed for experimental programs (and other groups) as required by Staff and Users.  Analog and Digital circuit simulation  Computer Aided Engineering/Drafting (CAE/CAD) PCAD, Mentor Graphics, HyperLynx, AutoCad  Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Development Xilinx, Altera, Aldec – Synthesis, simulation and verification  Circuit prototype development and fabrication  Full assembly and testing provided for final designs  Continued support/upgrade and repair of custom designed electronics Essential Design & Support Functions

 Specification development and consultation. “I need a special raster power supply” “ I want to convert my CAMAC modules to VME64x” “ Can you make this with a flex circuit?”  ‘Triage’ and repair of legacy CAMAC, NIM, VME instrumentation  Thermal imaging and analysis  Field support of various powered card enclosures [ crates ] including custom crates for front-end readout systems. Additional Capabilities

Project Accomplishments Circuit Designs – ‘Concept to Copper’ Scores of custom designs produced and still in use Examples: F1TDC Beam Profile Monitor NIM Modules F1TDC ‘HUB’ Wire Chamber Readout Discriminator/Scaler

z 16 channel 250 Msps Flash ADCEnergy Sum Module VXS High Speed Serial Backplane Latest Designs

Key Challenges High speed serial data links : VXS crates fADC -> CrateSum -> EnergySumProcessor Trigger System distribution Complex digital circuit board designs

 Develop !NOW! specifications for a multi-crate test station.  Two VXS crates with crate summing module  Clock/Trigger/Sync modules  Level 1 processor/Global Trigger Processor  Trigger Supervisor and Trigger system distribution  Develop !NOW! Online specifications for diagnostics, triggering configuration, commissioning plan  Ultimately the Electronics Group will be responsible for the custom modules/systems that we design.  During the installation phase, I am certain we will work closely with the Hall D Scientific/DAQ Staff to successfully commission the detector readout system. Electronics Group’s Role for ‘Online’

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