Three types
Irony- Verbal This type can be either spoken or written. The use of words is the opposite of the thought in the speaker’s mind, thus conveying a meaning that contradicts the literal definition. Example : sarcasm - As we all know, there is nothing students love more than homework. puns- I called my dog Trousers because he pants so much
Dramatic Irony This is the contrast between what the character thinks to be true and what we( the readers) know to be true. Sometimes as we read we are placed in the position of knowing more than what one character knows. This often adds to the humor or suspense. Example: horror movies, soap operas
Situational- Irony Occurs when the results of a situation are far different from what was expected. This results in a feeling of surprise and unfairness due to the odd situation. Example: a doctor calling out sick, O. Henry stories