Fall Parent Meeting
End of 1 st Quarter Alert!!! 1 st Qtr ends Friday, October 9 th Most teachers will be cutting off their grades by Monday, October 5 th Report cards sent Friday, October 16 th. Be sure you are checking the Aspen Parent Portal, your child’s agenda, and teacher websites as we get to the last weeks of the 1 st quarter.
Tips and Reminders: School hours are 8:10 to 3:30 – please make an effort every day to have your student at school before homeroom and limit early checkouts as much as possible. Students checking out at 3:00 miss almost half of their 6 th period class Check your child’s agenda for assignments, behavior cuts, and reasons for leaving the classroom (restroom, locker, nurse, office, etc.)
High School Level Classes Remember if you are considering dropping a high school class (Latin, Spanish, Accelerated Math, Advanced Physical Science), the deadline is quickly approaching. Once the cut-off has passed, students will not be allowed to drop the class(es).
Savannah Field Trip March , 2016
Tentative Itinerary Historic Walking Tour Fort Jackson Student Militia Haunted Legends Trolley Tour Mighty 8 th Air Force Museum Wormsloe Plantation Tour Oatland Wildlife Center River Street We are still working on this to make it the best trip ever for you and your student.
Bus Ride To and From: 1.One suitcase and one carry-on. 2. Backpacks on bus and in motel rooms, but NOT on tours, in restaurants or shops. 3. Small coolers allowed on bus. 4. Pre-screened movies.
Motel 1. Fairfield Inn (2 buses) and Hampton Inn (5 buses) 2. Students 4 to a room. Chaperones 2 to a room. 3. Phones blocked for long-distance calls. 4. Chaperones keep keys. 5. In rooms by 10:00 PM-ish. 6. Students’ doors taped at night.. 7. Security guards (hotel and Travel Store). 8. No swimming.
Dress Code 1.School Guidelines must be followed by both students and parents. 2.Jacket or poncho for rain. No umbrellas.
Souvenirs 1.Reasonable amount of money if wanted but not needed. 2.No “inappropriate souvenirs.” 3.Pictures make the best memories. Name on camera!!!
Chaperones 1.Must stay with group. No “after hours” side trips. 2.No smoking, drinking, or inappropriate language. 3.Please abide by dress code Appendix A-CCSD Handbook. 4.We will have a chaperone meeting closer to the time of the trip.
Total cost per Student: $360 Chaperone: $380 1.You may pay early or break payments up. 2. Extra for scholarship recipients greatly appreciated. 3. If financial aid is needed (only available for students), send Mrs. Haas an with student name and homeroom.
Payment Schedule Deposit due Oct $150/$150 Payment 2 due Nov $105/$115 Payment 3 due Feb. 5 - $105/$115 Preferred Method of Payment: Online Store – link on DRMS Home page.
Eligibility guidelines Based upon DRMS Behavior Management Program (CCSD Handbook/DRMS Agenda) See DRMS Field Trip rubric for guidelines. Chronic absences will affect eligibility. All students as of 9/30/15 would be allowed to attend – consequences after this date will apply Cancellation prior to final payment date (2/5/16) will result in a full refund. No refund for the deposit amount after February 5 th. The balance is due by February 5 th, regardless of how payments are being made.
DRMS Field Trip Guidelines The following protocol will be used to determine field trip eligibility for the overnight field trip: 1st ISS referral = eligible to attend 2nd ISS/1st OSS referral(s) = eligible to attend, accompanied by parent 2 nd OSS/3rd ISS referrals = automatic ineligibility
Are there any questions?