Writing Domain and Range We can use different formats to write the domain and range of a function. -Listing: If we are given a table or set of coordinate points, we can list the answer. D: 1, 2, 3, … -Inequalities: Given a graph, we can write an inequality to represent domain and range. (Our sign indicates if the point is included or not) x ≤ 4 5 < y ≤ 12 -Brackets/Parenthesis: Given a graph, we can write our “limits” or “endpoints” in brackets to represent the domain and range. [5, 9](3, 8][-3, ∞} Brackets indicate the value is included in our domain/range. Parenthesis indicate the value is not included in our domain/range. { “Squiggly Brackets” } are used when we have infinity as part of our D/R.
D: {-∞, ∞} R: [-3, ∞}
D: (2, 13]
D: [-1, 1] R: [-3, 3]
D: -3, -2, 0, 1, 2 R: 0, 2, 3, 4
D: {-∞, ∞} R: [0, ∞}