Point Of Contact Network Exercise (Aug/Sept 2010) Presenter’s Name: Mr. Sherman Koh Economy: Singapore 33rd APEC Transportation Working Group Tokyo, Japan October
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Background As a follow-up on an initial test of the AVSEC POC Network by Peru in 2008, Singapore agreed at the 32 nd TPTWG (July 2009) to conduct a full POC Network Exercise in Singapore subsequently conducted the AVSEC POC Network Exercise in August/September 2010.
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Details of POC Network Exercise The exercise was conducted in 3 Phases as follows: Verification Exercise (2 Aug to 24 Aug 2010) POC Exercise (31 Aug 2010) POC Phone Exercise (2 Sep 2010)
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Phase 1 – Verification Exercise The purpose of the verification exercise was threefold: Encourage APEC Economies to participate in the exercise and to identify a secondary POC for the Network; To verify the contact details of designated POCs of APEC Economies, who are already on the network; and Inform members of the exercise details and the expected actions required by the POCs.
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Phase 2 – Exercise The objectives for Phase 2 - POC Exercise were to: Ensure the validity and the accuracy of the addresses of the respective POCs. Ensure that the recipient is the correct person meant to receive the information. Test the response time of the contact.
33rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Phase 3 – Phone Exercise The purpose of the phone exercise was to: Ensure the validity of the contact number. Ensure that the recipient is the correct person meant to receive the information. Test the understanding of the information received, in view of possible language differences
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Learning Points & Follow-up The useful lessons that were identified for follow-up are summarized as follows: The APEC TPTWG AEG-SEC contact list must be updated so that the respective AEG-SEC representative can act as a nominating authority. The AVSEC POC Network should be included as a standing agenda under the AEG-SEC to allow Economies to verify and update their respective POCs as appropriate. Cont…
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Learning Points & Follow-up Nominated POCs should be a senior staff-level official. In the case where the POC is an Operations Centre, proper SOPs and training should be provided to the operations centre personnel so that they can respond to the message promptly. Telephone numbers for the POC Network should be direct lines and not linked to an automated answering service.
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Conclusion The APEC AVSEC POC Network complements the ICAO AVSEC POC Network. It provides a valuable means for important information to be promptly shared amongst members. Singapore encourages all APEC Economies to sign up to the APEC AVSEC POC Network and to use the Network for the sharing of critical AVSEC information.
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Thank You