New opportunities in Public Health for Children‘s Services A DCS perspective Simon Leftley
Who is important to children and families Primary Care Maternity services Health Visitors Social workers Their community Schools- the list goes on.....
What do Children and Families need Families and Children need Access to high quality advice and support Targeted services when necessary Professionals that work together Good Health, education, a positive environment And to be treated as partners
Early Help in Southend Early Help is part of the overall strategy for improving education, health and care outcomes for children and young people, removing barriers to learning and improving life chances As part of our Early Help Offer, a multi-agency strategic group has developed the ‘Early Help Toolkit and Assessment’. The Early Help, Partnership, Choice and Ambition Strategy for children aged 0-25 with SEN and/or Disabilities is in place The SEN Local Offer is currently being developed in line with the Southend Health Information Point (SHIP). The Education, Health and Care Plans is underway, using the learning from Regional Pathfinders.
Early Help in Southend We have three localities in Southend and co-located multi-agency teams in each locality across the Borough. We are part of the 0-5 Healthy Child Programme Strategic Commissioning Group with well established health provision delivered in Children’s Centres from both Midwifes and Health Visitors aligned to the locality based services delivering: *0-5 healthy child programme; *Intensive support through the universal plus plus programme for 0-2 years; MESCH and FNP; *On to meet the trajectory of 63 health visitors across SE Essex We use evidence based approaches, building upon programmes such: Incredible Years, and Mellow.
Early Help Process Identify needs earlier Deliver a co-ordinated package of support for the child/young person Help to secure better outcomes Staged Intervention Model - The foundation for effective integrated locality working is the staged intervention model. Staged intervention is a process which enables services to plan to meet the needs of individual children and young people. Staged intervention should assist in clearly setting out what support is available and when it should be offered. Early Help Single Point of Contact & Assessment - a multi agency team and common approach to assess strengths and needs through 3 stages Locality Based Information Sharing – Locality Information sharing networks are led by family information services Lead Professional - can be any member of the children’s workforce, acts as a single point of contact for child/young person and family co-ordinating the delivery of actions by services involved in support.
Early Help Outcomes A focus on building resilience, reducing family breakdown supporting/building independence. Sharing information between agencies becomes embedded as essential practice at assessment stage A truly holistic approach to the first assessment of need Strengthen integrated working, with a view to helping families access support earlier Southend is being awarded £40 million grant from the Big Lottery.
Opportunities and challenges Changes in commissioning arrangements Consensus on integration Challenges – Financial pressures – Maintaining Staff Morale – Focusing on the child not the structures Together we can make a difference