A. log and its implication, slogan
B. Chairman, composition of the management
C. three main product lines
D. status in market and market share SKP is the largest supplier of disposable plastic packaging in the local market, commanding 70% of the market share. E. main customers Our customers include popular and established restaurants, fast food chains, coffee shops, supermarkets, coffee-clubs, and food courts around the island.
F. Enterprise Scale: Size of facilities, main branches, figure of retails
SKP also possess a well established and wide business network overseas that spans across 4 continents. The markets include USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Europe, Brunei, Middle East and Korea, etc. SKP is fully computerized in all its administrative and inventory control functions. The company spent more than S$1 million on its computer system. The customized network system is linked to all departments for better integration, command and control. This investment has resulted in greater efficiency in the workforce. The huge investments in technology were made with the consumers' needs foremost in mind. While SKP increased their competiveness in the market with speed and quantity, the company also meticulously paid attention to detail. G. Overseas market (which countries) H. SKP’s investment in technology
China: CHN Korea: KR Australia: AUS Taiwan: 886 USA: 1 Japan : 81 Hong Kong: 852 UK :44 Singapore :65 J:Mission Evolving store concepts: Growing, optimizing and developing an innovative, distinctive and conveniently located network of stores that meets the constantly changing demands of the modern consumer -Talent development: Recruiting & developing exceptional service staff -Brand building -Employing the franchising model for future growth I: The international code for Singapore, China, USA, UK, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Korea
K: Recruitment Plan
1 SKP was founded on January 1979 and incorporated during the year It has a long history, and greatly impacted the food and beverage industry in Singapore. 2 SKP is the largest supplier of disposable plastic packaging in the local market. 3 It has a good nature location and the transportation is very convenient. 4Their products are various and have a good quality. 5 It has the latest technology that fully computerized in all its administrative and inventory and their control functions this investment has resulted in greater efficiency in the workforce. 6 Every member of the senior management takes a personal interest in quality control and product development. As a result, SKP has established a notable reputation for quality and thus enjoys strong brand-loyalty from customers. SKP also possess a well-established and wide business network overseas that spans across 4 continents. The markets include USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Europe, Brunei, Middle East and Korea, etc. 7 SKP’s success lies in our strive for continual commitment in establishing partnerships with customers and suppliers. Through a concerted focus on service excellence, quality products and value added solutions, SKP continuously seek to maintain our reputation for reliability and credibility in all aspects. 8 Strong team and prudent management. The company leaded by the Chairman Mr. Lim Seow Khim and his 4 brothers, the senior management are keen observers of market trends. 9 Excellent employee profits and reward system family — like atmosphere. Summary