Design of DSP testing environment Performed By: Safovich Yevgeny Instructors: Eli Shoshan Yevgeni Rifkin הטכניון - מכון טכנולוגי לישראל הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל Technion - Israel institute of technology department of Electrical Engineering
Table of Content: Introduction Goal Testing Environment Architecture Principles of Architecture Scope Test routines description Module for Tests Control Status
Introduction Satellites are exposed to several sources of ionizing radiation: Trapped radiation Galactic cosmic rays Solar flares This radiation induces transient and permanent changes in semiconductor devices Single Event Latch-Ups (SEL) Total Ionizing Doze (TID)
Introduction (cont.) We are going to measure the impact of radiation on DSP DSP 6416 has been chosen for: Requested by the customer It is used for calculations and control on satellites Project “LOKO” of an archiving algorithm has been developed in EE faculty for this DSP It is one of the most advanced of its type
Goal Test DSP operation during radiation Total Ionizing Doze (TID) Quantify reversal of bits per each module Output statistical summary of the results
Environment Tests Control GUI: Parameters Setting Control Results Analysis JTAG cable XDS510 TEB 6416 Host Tests Execution: Initial settings Behavior verification Output results
Architecture TEB C6416 DSP (C & Asm) JTAG XDS510 emulator Code Composer Tests Control UI (VB) PC COM
Architecture (cont.) PC (Host) Connection to DSP via JTAG DSP control by using COM technology (Code Composer is exposed by COM interface) Access to DSP memory space Ability to run program routines Ability to analyze test results externally Convenient GUI
Architecture (cont.) DSP (controlled by the Host) Used in TEB development environment Availability of external memory (EMIF) The test program is executed from external memory (with minor exceptions) “Fast” tests execution (vs. running tests on Host)
Principles of Architecture DSP All tests are executed by DSP PC (Host) Control the testing routines Gather & Output results Interface All data exchange is done by DSP external memory (not influenced by radiation)
Principles of Architecture (cont.) PC Initialize development environment Reset TEB & DSP Load the test program to DSP Set active testing routine(s) according to user’s selection Run program on DSP Gather & present immediate results from DSP (EMIF) Complete collection of results & analysis
Principles of Architecture (cont.) DSP Separate testing route per each module Module state initialization Test execution Behavior verification & errors’ analysis (+counters) Output results to external memory space (EMIF)
Scope Only state containing modules to be tested Each module should be tested “separately” Errors (“damaged” addresses / modules) should be counted
Scope (cont.) Modules to be tested: Internal Memory (1Mb) CPU EDMA MCBSP (0 – 2) Timers (0 – 2) Modules not to be tested (defined by customer): VCP TCP EMIF A/B(no buffers) UTOPIA HPI PCI External memory PLL
Scope (cont.)
Test routines description CPU All 6416 opcodes are tested Each opcode is given “sample” input values Opcode result is compared to the pre-calculated one MCBSP A “sample” data is written to each port The data is read from the port and compared to the input one
Test routines description (cont.) Internal Memory Backup critical program Interrupts handlers Timer test routines Fill memory by sample data (the addresses values) Wait for reversal of bits Repeat the above for data = NOT of address
Test routines description (cont.) EDMA Schedule the following transfers finalized by EDMA interrupt: Data Block Backup Image Source Data Block 1.Data Block -> Backup 2.Source -> Data Block 3.Data Block -> Image 4.Backup -> Data Block 5.Comparison: Source – Image
Test routines description (cont.) Timers Each timer is tested by the following routine: Set clock to 1/8 of the internal clock Start timer Run a loop of with a counter variable The code is written in such a way that: Each loop iteration takes 8 CPU cycles Counter variable should reach the same number as the timer’s one Loop is finished upon timer interrupt
Module for Tests Control Tests execution control: Reset TEB & DSP Reset Statistics Run single test once (loop) Run all tests once (loop) Automatic Reset upon program failure (watchdog) Immediate results presentation
Module for Tests Control (cont.) Full results analysis: Gather all errors counters Show errors counters per module Present graph of errors distribution on memory Presentation of errors average, std. dev, min, max Ability to save results (addresses sorted by errors frequency)
Module for Tests Control (cont.)
Summary: Total tests count: 6 Total errors: 18 Auto resets performed: 0 CPU: Tests count: 1 Total errors: 1 … Memory: Tests count: 2 Total errors: 14 Avg. total errors per test: 7 Min. errors per address: 0 Max. errors per address: 2 Memory - errors per address report: Addr.[hex]Errors … Text file format:
Status DSP Test routines are ready Host Control Module is ready Documentation – in progress