GVHS FBLA October 29, 2015 Please have a seat down front.
Competitions Regional Leadership Conference - December 16th (9AM - 3PM) (Snow Date 17th) Choose Event by November 10th (Report to A131 to Sign Up) November 30th - December 4th - Home Testing December 7th - December 11th - Online Testing Haverford High School State Leadership Conference - April 11th-13th 2016 Hershey Lodge and Convention Center
Event Sign-Ups Visit pafbla.org for information about specific events Make sure to have an idea of what your event is about DO NOT choose a random event Sign up in Mrs. Masishin’s Room (A131) Popular events will be decided through “Run-off testing” Sometime between November 10th and November 30th Team events are available (2-3 people) Make sure that all members of team are capable of testing in that event
Dress Code - Men
Business suit with collar dress shirt, and necktie or Sport coat, dress slacks, collar shirt, and necktie or Dress slacks, collar shirt, and necktie Banded collar shirt may be worn only if sport coat or business suit is worn Dress shoes and socks
Dress Code - Women
Business suit with blouse or Business pantsuit with blouse or Skirt or dress slacks with blouse or sweater or Business dress Capris or gauchos with coordinating jacket/suit, worn below the knee Dress shoes
Community Service Ronald Mcdonald House of Wilmington Charities Bake cookies, cakes, or ice cream, supplies 4-12 volunteers 2 hours Let us know if you are interested, tentatively scheduled for February Cards for soldiers Create holiday cards for those fighting overseas Retirement Communities Ex. Maris Grove Participating in bingo/other activities *Other community service ideas will be taken into consideration
Cookie Cart Sell cookies during enhancement like pretzel Thursday Probably on Fridays Currently working on other details Starting around January Your thoughts? *Other fundraising ideas will be taken into consideration
Important Dates November 10 - Last day to sign up for events November Time period for “Run-off” testing November 30-December 4 - Home site testing December Online testing December 16 - Regional Leadership Haverford High School December 17 - Regional Leadership Conference snow date February State home site testing April State Leadership Hershey
Stay Connected Remind to Twitter To Find More Information: pafbla.org fbla-pbl.org See Mrs. Rossiello (A111) or Mrs. Masishin (A131) Check the FBLA tab on Mrs. Rossiello’s teacher page