Urgency Vs Importance Marketplace Christian Network
What is considered ‘important’? Marketplace Christian Network
Case of W W was really excited about the upcoming church retreat? He was looking forward to some good teaching and also time with family. However, his boss did not approve his leave because of the workload as there were a number of projects closing on deadlines? Marketplace Christian Network
What is the difference? Balancing Mixing Juggling Integrating
Marketplace Christian Network Models of Priority God Church Ministry Work Family Golf
Marketplace Christian Network Models of Priority God Family Work Golf Church
Marketplace Christian Network Models of Priority
Biblical Understanding of the Material World Marketplace Christian Network GE 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God created the spiritual and the material God created the eternal and the temporal
Biblical Understanding of the Material World Marketplace Christian Network Gen 2:7 the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. God took matter and breath into to make the first man Man is a unique combination of spirit and matter Like Christ, we are intermediaries between God and the created order
Addresses 2 fundamentals error in the church Marketplace Christian Network The Sacred-Secular Divide: God is more interested in the sacred / spiritual aspects of life like Bible studies, quiet time, prayer than ‘secular’ activities such as working, cleaning, recreation etc. Gnosticism – Things of the spirit is good and things of matter is evil.
Result of the Error Marketplace Christian Network A Christian Caste System
Reading From “Rumours of another world” Marketplace Christian Network Pages
Marketplace Christian Network We live an Integrated Life Christ
Seven Habits Marketplace Christian Network Important and Urgent Important and Not Urgent Not Important and Urgent Not Important and Not Urgent
St. Benedict and the Rhythm of life Marketplace Christian Network
What happened to W? Marketplace Christian Network
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