IMM reaches more than 120 million people every week in many, many languages. Buddy with David Lee, the founding director of IMM. Buddy with former IMM directors, John and Ruth Merrell
With the help of BGMC, IMM’s TV programs are seen in more than 80 countries around the world. Buddy with current IMM directors, Jerry and Gwen Gibson
BGMC provided equipment and supplies for IMM.
BGMC provides funds to IMM to create children’s TV programs for many countries around the world.
BGMC helped produce a TV show from the Book of Matthew. This show will reach many new believers.
A French version of “Open the Bible: The Gospels” will reach many people in Europe and Africa, thanks to BGMC.
BGMC helped IMM produce a Bible series called “People Who Met Jesus.” This series has been translated into 26 different languages.
BGMC provided the funds for IMM to purchase puppets for their TV programs and videos.
BGMC provided the funds for IMM to purchase props and costumes for their TV programs and videos.
BGMC helped with the expenses to move IMM to Spain and to build their new building. The building was dedicated in May 2008.
BGMC provided funds to produce the “Women of the Bible” series. This video series reaches Muslim women and outcast women of all cultures.
BGMC helped to purchase MacBook computers for translation work. Pictured here is Clarisse, who is editing sermons for different countries in Europe and Africa.
Thank you for giving to BGMC so that missions organizations like International Media Ministries (IMM) can produce programs to reach people all over the world with the gospel message.