D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 1 Current Mercury Monitoring Approaches in Tribal Country David Gay NADP Program Office, (217)
D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 2 What Can Be Measured? Mercury Cycle
D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 3 Deposition is a very good starting point! It is the starting place of Hg moving into the biosphere; It is rather simple, Straightforward Inexpensive Little training or experience needed.
Bioaccumulation of Methyl Mercury Bacterial action (water and sediment) Zooplankton Small fish predatory fish Water Body/pore water Me-Mercury Concentration Dry Deposition Wet DepositionGeologic Sources (soil, rock, base flow etc.) Methylation Hg Through Fall (wet+dry) Litter Fall
How Mercury is Wet Deposited? Hg o RGM Hg p RGM Hg o Hg p RGM rainout washout Oxidation (long lifetime)
Wet deposition Mercury sample
D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 7 Tribal Lands and Mercury Sources
What is the NADP?
A Cooperative Research Program (Un. Of Illinois) –Measure wet deposition, dry deposition & litterfall concentrations of mercury –North America Taiwan, Mexico, South America –Owned and operated by our members –Decisions made by our members –Started in 1978, 35 th year –Over 400,000 precipitation samples
dry wet
D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 11
Wet Deposition
Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) Collects one-week precipitation-only samples with MDN wet-dry collector Measures precipitation with gage Analyses Total Mercury Methyl Mercury Other options
Typical Wet Deposition Site (MDN)
Wet Deposition Collection
Mercury Deposition Network Brief Look at Frontier Geosciences, Analytical Laboratory
Dry Deposition
dry wet
Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS)
Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet) A New NADP Network Measure: –Hg species (Tekran system) –meteorology and land cover variables Elemental mercury (Hg 0 ) Gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM) Particulate bound mercury (PBM) Estimate Dry Deposition
Coming Soon: Dry Deposition Estimates flux (F ) = air concentration x dry deposition velocity (V d ) F= V deposition * Concentration air where: R a as aerodynamic resistance, R b as quasi-laminar resistance, and R c as canopy resistance
Product Weekly estimates of dry deposition of –GOM –PBM2.5 To align with weekly wet deposition values –(wet + dry ~ total) Downward dry deposition of GEM –Working & coming soon –No evasion estimate (re-emission) –Not net deposition
Mercury Deposition Network New Trial Network, Litterfall Mercury
Results And what can be done with this information
D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 30
D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 31
D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 32
D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 33
D. Gay, Schmeltz, Sharac, Nat. Tribal Conf. for Env. Management, Billings, MT, June 26, 2008, Slide 34
Mercury Deposition Network New NADP Trial Network: Mercury Litterfall Started in 2012 In cooperation with USGS and USGS Mercury Research Lab 14 stations (w/MDN) Monthly observations (May to Nov)
Network Cost
What Are People Doings with Our data?
What factors are affecting fish concentrations of Hg? –Water pH –Total dissolved solids –Dissolved sulfate Hg is overwhelmingly deposition Overwhelmingly anthropogenic Wiener et al., 2006 Environmental Science and Technology Vol 40 p 6261.
Mercury in Human Hair, By Region
Mercury Deposition Higher in Urban Areas
Gold Mining Locations important to Western Sites
Typical Mercury Concentrations in Fish
Trends In Precipitation Concentration
Questions and Answers
Current Mercury Monitoring Approaches in Tribal Country David Gay NADP Program Office, (217)