Gareth Smith RAL PPD RAL PPD Site Report
Gareth Smith RAL PPD RAL Particle Physics Department Overview About 90 staff (plus ~25 visitors) Desktops mainly Windows LINUX servers Grid Tier2 (Part of SouthGrid). Staff: –Departmental Unix plus Tier 2 etc. 1.5 –Departmental Windows etc: 2 (currently plus 1 ‘Year in Industry’ student)
Gareth Smith RAL PPD Windows Systems Desktops (total of ~120 systems) running Windows XP. Systems cloned from a master system. NT4 domain controllers. CLRC domain is updated to Windows 2003, PPD will do the same. Windows 2000 member servers (including web servers running IIS – note use of central support for these.) Xerox Docushare repository Citrix terminal server (Canvas; Illustrator, Framemaker, AutoCAD Lt…) Pool of 7 laptops for loan. (Windows 2000, migrating to XP). UpdateExpert for Desktop updates; SUS for laptop updates; Sophos anti-virus. Backup to tape autoloader (ADIC Scalar24 with SDLT).
Gareth Smith RAL PPD UNIX services Currently RedHat 7.3 File servers and Web server (also CVS server) Needs hardware and software upgrades… –Possibly move to rack mounted systems –Scientific Linux ? LINUX on desktop –Currently not encouraged, self-managed. –RAL looking at central rpm repository used with yum Possibility of standard PPD configuration, with yum for updates, and yumit monitoring. Looking to ‘discourage a bit less’
Gareth Smith RAL PPD Tier2 Currently offering to LCG: –21 dual-CPUs (mix of 1.4GHz PIII and 2.4GHz Xeon, (along with 8 infrastructure nodes) –500GB disk Just (about) delivered: –24 dual 2.8 Xeon –4TB disk Plan future expansion in racks –Looking at space / power / cooling in computer room.
Gareth Smith RAL PPD Networking and VMS Gigabit fibre to router – possibly adding second gigabit link for Grid. Gigabit switch central to networking. 10/100 to ports in offices Gigabit over copper in server room. Possibility of separate link from site router for GRID. VMS expected to be turned off soon now……. –Financial information for budget holders being provided in another way.
Gareth Smith RAL PPD Security May 2004: Possibly a CVS exploit. System re-installed anyway. Nov 2003: Did have a scare on Windows server when user directories vanished. Believe it was a false alarm, and really caused by a program running awry. Scanning: –Lab scanning from ‘outside’ firewall –Microsoft HFNetChk – Windows patches –Nessus learning to identify false positives. Just starting to look at running some spyware detection.