Geografia Mazowsza By Artur Ambroziak
Geography Mazovia Landscape Important cities. Important rivers. Important lakes.
Mazowsze Mazowsze (Mazovia) is an historical and ethnographic region in central Poland, straddling the Vistula River. The Mazovian Lowland is one of Poland's most extensive geographical regions. Its natural extension is the Podlassian Lowland at the confluence of the Narew and Biebrza Rivers and the basin of the middle Bug. As the two lowlands are difficult to separate, sometimes they are referred to as the Mazovian-Podlassian Lowland.
Landscape Landscape is very nice.
Important cities. Important cities are: Warszawa, Płonsk, Ciechanow, Sierpc, Bialobrzegi, Garwolin, Radom, Siedlce, Mlawa, Pruszkow.
Important rivers. Important rivers are: Wisła, Pilica, Bug, Narew, Wkra, Bzura, Rawka.
Important lakes. The most important lake is: Zegrzynskie.