Thomas More
Birth and Location Born in London, England 1478 London, England
Education Attended St. Anthony's School when he was young Served as a page to John Morton, the Archbishop of Canterbury Went on to study at Oxford University and learned Latin, logic, writing and Greco-Roman literature Oxford University
Beliefs He was a humanist Was part of the Catholic Church but rejected and attacked many practices Believed in reason and logic Discussed many controversial topics in his books such as state controlled education, euthanasia and multi religion societies
Professional Life Returned to London later in his life to study law in 1496 In 1503 he joined a monastery outside of London Entered Parliament in 1503 English Parliament Building
Major Works Wrote “Utopia” in 1516 Utopia was a book about the benefits of communism and tackled many controversial topics such as punishment, state-controlled education, multi-religion societies, divorce, euthanasia and women's rights. It reflects the ideas of the Renaissance by questioning many of society's norms Utopia
Death Was beheaded in 1535 after being accused of treason after a dispute with King Henry VIII
Biblio Bibliography "Thomas More Biography." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 03 Apr