 First of 6 wives  Married Prince Arthur (Henry’s brother) in November 1501  Married Henry VIII in June 1509  Daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella.


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Presentation transcript:

 First of 6 wives  Married Prince Arthur (Henry’s brother) in November 1501  Married Henry VIII in June 1509  Daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella  1516 – gave birth to Mary  Henry had 2 mistresses – Elizabeth Blount and Mary Boleyn

 1527 – Catherine was 42 years old – Henry believed she could have no more children  Henry wanted a son  In love with Anne Boleyn  Church law didn’t allow for divorce  1527 – asked pope to annul his marriage  Pope Clement VII turned him down  Catherine’s nephew – Charles V

 Asked them to end pope’s power in England  1533 – married Anne Boleyn secretly  1534 – Act of Supremacy  Made the English king head of the English Church  Supreme head of Church of England  Closed all English monasteries

 Married to Henry  Had a daughter Elizabeth  Fell out of Henry’s favor when she didn’t have a son  Imprisoned her in Tower of London and had her beheaded in 1536  Framed her and her brother for incest, adultery, and plotting to murder the King

 May 1536-October 1537  Waited on Anne Boleyn  Fell in love with Jane while still married to Anne  Within 24 hours of her execution = betrothed  Had a son – Edward  Jane died 2 weeks after giving birth

 Married Jan 1540 – July 1540  Political match – she was from Holy Roman Empire  Henry looked to get out of marriage as soon as it occurred  Didn’t find her attractive  Already interested in Kathryn Howard  Dissolved the marriage

 Married July 1540 – Feb 1542  Lady in waiting for Anne of Cleves  Henry – 49; Kathryn – 19  Brought back some of his zest for life  Rumors Kathryn began cheating on him  Archbishop Thomas Cramner found evidence against her  Executed 2/13/1542 at Tower of London

 Married  Her mother had been lady in waiting to Catherine of Aragon  Wanted to marry Thomas Seymour, but felt it was her duty to marry Henry when he asked  Married Thomas after Henry died  Had guardianship over Elizabeth  Rumors of a relationship between Seymour and Elizabeth – Elizabeth sent to another household

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 Became king when Henry died at age 9  Ruled only 6 years – he was sickly and died  Protestants gained power  Book of Common Prayer – text used in Church of England  Had plotted against Mary

 Catholic  Returned the rule of the Pope to England  English mainly Protestant at this time  Married Phillip from Catholic Spain  Killed more than 300 Protestants  Was looking for an alliance with Spain against France  Turned against Elizabeth  Elizabeth under house arrest

 Daughter of Anne Boleyn  Prevented religious wars  Encouraged exploration  Patron of Arts  England became a world power

 Set up national church like under Henry VIII  Only legal church in England  Had to attend services or pay a fine  Elizabeth head of Anglican Church  Priests allowed to marry – concession to Protestants  Rich robes and golden crucifixes = concession to Catholics  Book of Common Prayer revised to be more acceptable to Catholics

 Faced threat from Catholic Spain  Philip II planned to attack England  Elizabeth supported Protestant subjects who rebelled against him  1588 – Philip assembled invasion force of 130 ships, 8,000 sailors, and 19,000 soldiers  This force known as Spanish Armada

 Reached southwest coast of England in July 1588  Bad weather and English fleet defeated Spanish

 Began building an American Empire  Queen’s constant need for money would carry over into next reign and lead to conflict between monarch and Parliament