State Librarian’s Quarterly Webcast Susan Hildreth December 7, 2005 Noon – 1pm
This presentation was pre-recorded but Susan is “Live” online To Ask Questions, Use “Chat” Select “All” for recipient Type question in the box Press Enter
Due to Technical Difficulties… The first 90 seconds of this presentation did not get recorded The missing section is presented on the slides We will pick up with the video presentation immediately after you’ve had the chance to read the transcript We apologize for the inconvenience
Survey and Evaluation Please fill out the demographics survey that appears on your screen in a moment. At the end of the webcast, there is an evaluation we also ask you to fill out. Thank you for your cooperation. Let’s get started!
Greetings everyone, I hope that you are having a wonderful holiday season. It is going by so rapidly and only 18 days until Christmas!
I have been busy since Thanksgiving attending the focus groups around the state on the future of cooperative library services and have been gathering important input.
I will talk more about the results of the focus groups in upcoming webcasts. Today I am going to talk about the library as place but I wanted to briefly mention a few other topics that I know are of interest to you.
We are very pleased with the impact of the California Libraries Catalog project and hope that your library customers and staff are benefiting from the availability of so much information about our library materials.
The State Library in partnership with Califa is dedicated to continuing the California Libraries Catalog project and, most importantly, search engine access to library holdings information.
We are determining how we can most effectively continue to support this program and will be communicating that plan with all of you in the very near future. I also know that many of you are interested in State Library support for the Live Homework Help program.
This program has really taken off in usage this year. We have changed our strategy for participating libraries and have supported the service available in all branches, in contrast to just one or two, and to have it available remotely.
Overall in branch usage from September, our kick-off month, to the end of October increased by 31% and remote usage increased by 342%.
The Library As Place This presentation was recorded on December 1, 2005
Akst, Daniel. Carnegie Reporter, Spring Edition,
L.A. Renews its Libraries As Modern Civic Centers Noam N. Levey LA Times, November 27, libraries27nov27,0, story
Cerritos Library
Seattle Public Library
Salt Lake City Library
San Francisco Public Library
National Library Board of Singapore Chief Executive: “The library should be the preferred place to spend your leisure where it is not only leisure time but productive leisure.”
Library Internet
Civic Space/Cyberspace: The American Public Library in the Information Age Molz, Kathleen and Dain, Phyllis MIT Press, 1999
The Library As Place California State Library Foundation Bulletin, #82, 2005 Susan Hildreth
Better Together Conference
Please send in your questions via the chat box – and don’t forget to fill out the evaluation form. See you next year!