EXAM I REVIEW: Limits Mr. January Calculus I ME April 3, 2011
The questions on the upcoming slides are going to test your skill level and will tell you what you need to prepare for before tomorrow’s exam. Answer the questions to the best of your ability. If you answer a question correctly, you must continue… But if you answer a question incorrectly, you must go back. Use the arrows on the bottom of the page to skip to the next question. Who’s Ready!
Question 1 During which of the following circumstances does a limit fail to exist? When the limit equals zero When the limit approaches infinity When the left-hand, and right-hand limits don’t match values When the limit approaches negative infinity Next Question
Question 2 A limit that is denoted with a “+” is an example of: Next Question A right-hand limit A limit at infinity A limit at negative infinity A left-hand limit Go Back
Question 3 A limit will always __________ the expected value. Next Question Approach Defer fromMeet Connect to Go Back
Question 4 Next Question Approach either Infinity or Negative infinity Approach the X-Axis Approach zero Approach the Asymptote Go Back If a curve is bound by an asymptote, then the limit will most likely…
Question 5 If a limit is solved, but still remains undefined, then what is the next step you must take in order to solve properly? Next Question Start over and try a different Method Take the Derivative The limit does not exist Further simplify the function with algebra Go Back
Question 6 True or False. A limit is used in the definition of a derivative because one must know the value of the tangent line in order to find the derivative. Next Question TrueFalse Go Back
Question 7 A function must be ___________ at all points on the graph in order for the limit to exist. Next Question Differentiable Parabolic Exponential linear Go Back
Question 8 True or False. L’Hospital’s rule states that you may differentiate all limit functions in order to find the answer to them. Next Question TrueFalse Go Back
Question 9 True or False = ∞ Next Question FalseTrue Go Back
Question 10 Are limits and derivatives so closely related that they test relatively find the same types of values? YesNo Go Back
Correct!!! The limit must approach the same value from each side. Go Back
Correct!!! That is an example of a limit that approaches from the right. Go Back
Correct!!! A limit will always approach the expected value. Go Back
Correct!!! If a curve is bound by an asymptote, then the limit will most likely Approach either Infinity or Negative infinity. Go Back
Correct!!! One must use limits in order to find the slope of the tangent line by knowing the slope of the secant line. Go Back
Correct!!! A function must be differentiable at all points on the graph in order for the limit to exist. Go Back
Correct!!! L’hospital’s rule can Only be used if the function is not defined. Go Back
Correct!!! Infinity + Infinity+3= Infinity. Go Back
Correct!!! No, Limits test undefined values. Derivatives test velocity, slopes of tangent lines, and instantaneous rate of change. GO!!!
Incorrect, go back and try again. Go Back!!
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