Something Greater than Gold Daily Oral Language Week 2
Sentence 1 Identify the word that the underlined word modified. Tell whether the underlined word functions as an adverb or an adjective. these dead and wounded soldiers were not just names they were people friends the boys had played cricket and rugby with friends who had helped the younger boys in study hall
Sentence 2 Identify the word that the underlined word modified. Tell whether the underlined word functions as an adverb or an adjective. never in his wildest dreams did eric imagine that before he even graduated he would be the most famous man in scotland
Sentence 3 Underline the predicate noun or predicate adjective. ninteen twenty four was the first year the british government helped it’s competitors pay for their travel to and accommodations during the olympic games
Sentence 4 Underline the proper adjectives. as the teams were about to march out of the stadium lord cadogan head of the british olympic committee strolled over to the british eam and wished the members luck
Sentence 5 Underline the proper adjectives. as he glanced around he saw the kings pipers marching proudly around the inside of the track playing a traditional scottish tune the campbells are coming