Can you translate? Boys talk! G’day mate! Blotto Rack off! Fair dinkum Pull ya head in! Drongo Girls Talk! How ya going luv? Wanna cuppa? The old man’s shot through Grouse lippy Could I bot a fag?
Germany Great Britain and Ireland Japan Texas Australia historical back ground Lesson 11
Australia- a brief history Modern Australia started as a penal colony which apporxiamately100 British convicts being sent to the island This is why Australians have the nickname of POMS After their release from convict settlements they were still treated with distain by army personnel and there financial position made it almost impossible to return to the UK
Children of the ex convicts were discriminated against by the free settlers who were born in the ‘mother country’ The physical environment and the rich land created a strong population from those who worked it and this hard work ethic and toughness is reflected in Australian culture (similar to American frontier spirit)
HISTORICAL & CULTURAL BACKGROUND Only nation to occupy a whole continent 6 th largest country in terms of land area Population – 1 million 85% live in 3.3% of lands area Became independent from the UK in 1901 Still part of the commonwealth Aboriginal people – original inhabitants of Australia
USA OZ 1783 – Independence from Britain – Constitution drafted – Washington 1 st President much immigration – Civil War N v S 1770 – Captain Cooke to Botany Bay – British convicts – gold discovered in NSW & Victoria 1880 – Pop. 2 million – Country now independent within British Empire – Troops fight in Gallipoli (WW1) –Poor Europeans paid to emigrate – Pop. 15 million.
Terra nullius (empty land) Captain Cook’s Endeavour ~ convicts transported ~ 1788
HISTORICAL & CULTURAL BACKGROUND Throughout Australia there is evidence of colonial roots; education, sports ethos, etc… – Australia has a decentralised system of government which gives autonomy to each state – 1945-mid 1960’s, the Australian government sponsored emigration from the UK – explains why 95% of pop is white – Today over 150 nationalities co-exist in Australia
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES The Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia and Tasmania They suffered badly during the period of white settlement from 1788 – captain Cook – Transportation was an important part of the British penal system – By ,000 had been sent to australia
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES(cont’d) The ‘white invaders’ marginalised the Aborigines and a ‘white Australia policy’ was adopted This policy was abolished in 1971 and a commitment made to multi-culturalism Although Aboriginals make up only 2% of the Australian population, they have been disproportionately successful in major sports like boxing, rugby league and ‘Aussie Rules’
THE FIRST SETTLERS (cont’d) , Melanesian and Polynesian workers were engaged as cheap labour. They helped to establish the beach culture and revolutionised swimming The migrating British continued traditional sports from the ‘old country’. Therefore cricket and rugby gained a firm foothold. Think about the jobs that British school boys did (TOPVIC)
THE FIRST SETTLERS The modern Australian nation was not built upon convict settlement People seeking opportunity came later during the early 19 th century to farm the land and dig for gold The ‘bush culture’ emerged as some opportunists mirrored the frontier spirit of the USA Among these migrants was an aspiring middle- class element from England who played sports and did much to shape the culture of Australia
Colonial links 6 states Young nation Nationalistic Sport Obsessed Retention of many British values – colonial loyalty Adoption of many British games. Strong sense of survival in alien environment
Task Suggest 5 ways in which Australia reflects British culture
Early years of sport Australian settlers brought with the the games of their homeland namely cricket Games initially were played amongst the free settlers ‘sterling’ and the children of convicts ‘currency’ Winning by the ‘currency’ created a sense of national pride and identity Betting was commonplace
Public school ethos From the mid C19th Australia adopted the ethos of British public school and promoted manliness, build character and used sport to teach values Since this time there has been a rivalry between Australia and the UK which still continues today
Australia UK Australia was once part of the British Empire and is a relatively young country Was granted independence in 1901 UK has a large history and strongly influenced its colonial countries Australia uses sport as an expression of national pride as does in the UK to a lesser extent Does not have a rigid class systemHas a strict class hierarchy British mob games were replicated by the convict settlers Mob games played amongst working class Australia followed Britain's lead on rational sport. The currency lads copied the ports of the motherland Public school influence on rational sport and NGBs