Colleen Humphries, Jonas Rockhold, Mark Rosenbalm, Lindsay Gualario, Michelle Mell
Student Demographics: 46 % white 40% African-American 12% Hispanic 15% Exceptional 2 % Asian
Struggling to meet the needs of their students Faculty, staff, parents and business partners work together implementing various reforms ◦ Reforms are unsuccessful Staff feels mounting problems between veteran and young teachers Lack of respect, collegiality, trust
Toxic School Culture Lack of respect, collegiality, and trust Veteran teacher are not pro-active Younger disenchanted School culture needs to be changed Technology not being used
Change the school culture Build relationships, respect, and trust Encourage teacher collaboration through PLCs Work together toward student achievement
Empowering the principal helping him gain respect Implement research based programs designed between veteran vs new teachers Move forward together bright future
Professional Learning Communities Professional reading introduced driving reforms Allowed to be risk takers Set high expectations for learners
Work together as a body New members correct way to behave Climate Barriers to reform effort within school Resulting in conflicts Many teachers, particularly new ones, do not respect principal Lack of community within the school
Bachelor’s Degree 38.3% Master’s Degree 56.9% Advance Degree 4.8% Technology Computers advanced
Jim O’Connor suffer from lack of respect First gain respect Break away from micro-manager Leader who operates as team member rather authority figure Teachers must take advantage of his knowledge Work to make teacher feel respected
Traits that work Visibility, encouragement, high standards Set clear expectations, Consistent discipline, supportive, collaborative Superintendent work with principal on traits
Daily interaction with superintendent Classroom walk through, positive feedback Build morale of the staff Clear expectation Support faculty on issues Gain respect, staff important, supportive Administration listen to ideas
New developed New reform guidelines not being met
Building trust and respect Helping teachers learn to collaborate Providing relationship building opportunities Find some common ground
Interaction between teachers Mentoring between veteran teachers and new Time for reflection Exchanging of information and ideas
Veteran-Oriented Novice-Oriented Integrated (Ideal)
Revisiting School Vision Involve stake holders Conduct surveys and discussions Come together with a shared vision Common Ground
Sanger Unified School District Levels the playing field Mentor/Mentee Relationships
Richard and Rebecca DuFour Collaboration/Student Focus/Best Practices Bridging the Gap between teachers Continuous Improvement Benefitting students/Action Oriented Results Oriented
Sacred Time Deep Discussion Training Shared Planning Time COMMITMENT!
Number of Student 10, 752 Percent Free and Reduced Lunch 74% Limited English 29% Special Education 6.8% Placed on Program Improvement for failure to meet minimum proficiency levels for EL students Implemented PLCs
State 36.5%41.9%45.5%56.2% SUSD 25%35.3%46.5%60.2% State EL 18.5%21.9%25.8%38.7% SUSDEL 11%19.8%30.9%48.8%
Theme focus on Students rather than Teachers Allowed for a change in culture “Do Whatever It Takes” mentality Common Vision and Common Goals Teachers love it and say they would never go back to doing things the “old” way!